@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:
This is basically Russia's Anti-"Gay Propaganda" law: https://www.hrw.org/report/2018/12/12/no-support/russias-gay-propaganda-law-imperils-lgbt-youth
I wonder: If you follow the money trail for this bill, how many links back would you have to go to find funding from Russia?
Making your opposition's existence illegal is a devious political tool.
with quote tweet:
@chrislhayes ("Chris Hayes") wrote:
If you define being gay or trans as "sexually explicit" and say children under 10 can't be exposed to it under penalty of Federal law then you have effectively banned gay and trans people from the public sphere, which is the point of course. https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1582454994196127746