@NfNitLoop on Twitter: Post

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@JbkJbk1234 ("CavsKermit") wrote:

This was Stormfront material just a decade ago. A neo Nazi talking point.

with quote tweet:

@crampell ("Catherine Rampell") wrote:

Poll finds one-third of adults say they think an effort is afoot to replace native-born Americans with new immigrants for electoral purposes, the so-called "Great Replacement conspiracy theory. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/poll-finds-one-third-of-adults-say-they-think-an-effort-is-afoot-to-replace-native-born-americans-with-new-immigrants-for-electoral-purposes-01652314775?reflink=mw_share_twitter