@NfNitLoop on Twitter: Post

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@Maryxus ("Maryxus Maddly") wrote:

Right. I forgot that happened, but it definitely did.

Billionaires are the biggest freeloaders in the world, and they get away with it by using the money they leech off us to pay people to convince us to accept it—that this is just how the world works.

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@existentialcoms ("Existential Comics") wrote:

Elon Musk says he enthusiastically voted for Obama but now the Democrats are "far left extremists".

Obama gave $7500 tax credits for electric cars.
Obama gave Tesla a $465 million loan so they didn't go under.

Obama gave him billions. But taking a bit back in taxes? Communism.