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@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@sarahana ("Sarahana for Assembly") wrote:

As someone who (1) ran as a democratic socialist candidate (2) personally spoke to thousands of voters, including Republicans (3) WON by 20 points, I can tell you that hardly anyone thinks the problem is that the party has moved too far to the left.

with quote tweet:

@CityAndStateNY ("City & State NY") wrote:

Jay Jacobs denied that Hochul had a detrimental effect on other candidates and refused to accept blame for both her performance and losses in Congress...

Instead, he placed blame on progressive politicians who have shifted the party too far to the left. https://www.cityandstateny.com/politics/2022/11/hochul-won-her-election-what-cost/379559/