Diskuto: Post


FeoBlog v0.4.0 Released

Version 0.4.0

Released: June 25, 2021 https://github.com/NfNitLoop/feoblog/releases/tag/v0.4.0

  • The web client is now the default view.
    FeoBlog has two ways to access content. One is plain HTML (A.K.A.: Web 1.0), which works well for old browsers and search engines. The other is a web client (Web 2.0), which has a nicer interface. Now, if you visit a page in a browser that supports JavaScript, you'll get automatically redirected to the newer, nicer web client.

  • Post drafts are now saved.
    If you navigate away from the "New Post" page and come back later, your post will still be there. Whew!

  • Added some helpful warnings when writing markdown posts
    Now if you forget to link that [reference], you'll get a warning reminding you to add a link.

  • Better support for password managers
    You should save your private key ("password") in a password manager. But some password managers were filling in the wrong fields. Hopefully that's fixed. (If not, please open an issue!)

  • An updated README to explain the core principles behind FeoBlog's design

  • Support for attachments on iOS (and probably Android)
    Oops. You can't easily drag-and-drop on a phone, so I added a button to attach files. Now you can take photos and easily upload them from your phone!

  • Improved automatic link generation when adding attachments
    When you add an attachment to a post, FeoBlog will generate a [link] and a [link]: files/reference.example for you. Now it'll do a better job of placing those within an existing document.


🤦‍♂️ at the double title. The markdown checking can make sure you remember to include your [link] refs, but it can't fix your copy-pasta.