Diskuto: Post


FeoBlog v0.3.0 Released

This release brings file attachments to your posts, so bring on the cat pictures!

It also adds automatic builds and releases via [GitHub Actions], which is a nice thing for me. 😊


Version 0.3.0

Released: Feb. 25, 2021

New Features

  • Attachments!
    You can now attach files to posts by dragging them onto the post editor. A link to the file will be automatically generated for you. If the file is an image, it'll be inlined in your post by default. Syncing between servers will also sync file attachments.
  • Release automation.
    This is more for me than for y'all, but the result of this is that releases should be regularly available via the releases page.

Note: There's a known issue (Bug #16) that is preventing Windows builds from working at the moment. I'll enable Windows builds when that's fixed.


  • Switched to comrak for server-side (plain HTML) rendering of Markdown.
    Users shouldn't notice any changes, but this library operates in a "safe by default" mode which is nice.
  • Improved browser caching.
    Protobuf "Items" (and file attachments) are now served with HTTP headers to allow browsers to cache them indefinitely, since they should never change.
  • SQLite's "Write Ahead Logging" ("WAL") mode is now enabled when available, which greatly increases write throughput when syncing. This also means that reads and writes do not block each other.
  • Disable in-browser signature verification during sync.
    This further improves sync speed, since in-browser crypto is particularly slow. The server will still validate that the objects it receives are cryptographically signed. (And the in-browser client still always verifies content signatures before displaying them.)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some minor rendering issues when viewing a server w/ no posts.

D'oh! I meant to link that GitHub Actions.