cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Of course, I realize it's not a collective decision. Just more a bunch of the usual short term thinking externalizing costs to the future in the hopes of profit now leading to a bunch of the same decisions.
Anyway, it's still kind of amusing to think of humanity learning about Kessler syndrome, and then basically going, "Let's fucking goooooo..." (Or whatever it is the cool kids say these days.)
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Reading space news, It's interesting that it seems we have collectively decided to test the idea of Kessler syndrome. 🤔
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
ichbindabomb@nerdculture.de ("Schneewittchen") wrote:
Reblogged by nadim@infosec.exchange ("Nadim Kobeissi"):
ErikUden@mastodon.de ("Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑") wrote:
Rafah in 2023 vs. Rafah today.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
"...they even re-invented the receipt with Web 3"
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
justinwolfers@threads.net ("Justin Wolfers") wrote:
Economists: Nope. Not true. None of us think that. That at all. Nope. It's a non-starter.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
We need an addendum to Zawinski's Law of Software Envelopment, which suggests that all message reading apps will evolve until they reach Thunderbird levels of inbound message routing.
This thought brought to you by podcast apps that don't allow you to filter by length and episode title text.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
you don’t want “the old internet,” you want a space that hasn’t been colonized by capital
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
davatron5000 ("Dave Rupert") wrote:
👀 A customizable select you say...
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
This, it turned out was a *major* "if". Nothing went smoothly, and there were many explosions along the way. In the end, it was the Android team's lust for more native app installs that allowed us to ship *anything*. But that's a story for another day.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
The founding moment of Fuchsia was a crisis within the Chrome team as we realised the web was being locked out of mobile, even as Chrome was being made Android's default browser. One train of thought was that the web simply wasn't fast enough; this begat "Razor", a project to cut down Blink to a fast subset of HTML. The initial gains were pretty killer. HTML's cadillac error correction does, indeed, slow down HTML parsing by a lot. And you can clobber a LOT of code.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
...but I reckoned this wasn't the biggest problem; distribution was (and is). Mobile success is about being part of the tap-and-swipe ecosystem. If a service can't be on the homescreen or in the notification tray, it functionally doesn't matter on mobile. Having to type is orders of magnitude harder on a low-end phone than tap/swipe, and in '14, that was even more true.
So the efforts diverged.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
Adam Barth and Eric Seidel and Rafael Weinstein and a few others went off to polish up Razor; Hixie joined a bit later, IIRC. My north star for it had been "strict subset". That held for a few weeks. The insight being, that if a Razor document *also* loaded in a full-fat browser, perhaps the subset stood a chance of taking off.
After coming back from a vacation, the siren song of features had won; V8 had been swapped for Dart, and non-subset features were sprouting. Fuchsia was born.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
Meanwhile, on the "distribution is the main problem" track, we looked at many options. Store-delivered wrapped apps w/ new features (based on the Cordova extension work for Chrome Apps v2 for mobile) that we could introduce in parallel to the browser, etc. etc. But iOS was a nasty problem, even with UIWebView's ability to let us shim in network interception, and lack of real browser competition there meant no chance to deliver.
PWAs would have to be Android-only, if we could get them done.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
kkarhan@infosec.space ("Kevin Karhan :verified:") wrote:
@fromjason nodds in agreement
She should've told #Cheney to fuck off and undo the harm he caused first...
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
The King - Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter
"Harris cannot control who endorses her. But her warm response to Dick Cheney’s approval should be greeted with alarm — particularly when war criminals are welcomed into the Harris fold while antiwar protesters are rejected." https://sarahkendzior.substack.com/p/the-king
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
This is a thoughtful piece; what Chris didn't see were some of the failure modes of Hixie's hubris when it came to inventing new elements in HTML5 (see also: "what we need is WASM and WebGPU" pipe dreams). But it's spot-on about how Google has turned away from the web, particularly on mobile, and empowered the Android team to facilitate a cozy anti-web duopoly:
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
jonny@neuromatch.social ("jonny (good kind)") wrote:
how come you can add more -vvv to get more logging but you can't add more w's to www to get more website
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io ("mekka okereke :verified:") wrote:
Shout out to everyone smart enough to figure out that "They're eating the dogs and cats!" is just a lie that racists say, but not smart enough to figure out that "They're closing drug stores because of shoplifting!" is exactly the same thing.🤡
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
quillmatiq ("Anuj Ahooja") wrote:
At #FediForum, @ben called out that he linked to the @ProPublica donation drive on #Mastodon, and that yielded more donations than any other social media promotion on other platforms by the official account.
We've seen hints of how the #Fediverse can have a positive impact on newsrooms, but this is the most tangible proof I've personally seen so far.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
“A far-right activist known for her endless stream of sexist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Muslim and occasionally antisemitic social media posts and public stunts, Ms. Loomer has made a name for herself over the past decade by unabashedly claiming 9/11 was “an inside job,” calling Islam “a cancer,” accusing Ron DeSantis’s wife of exaggerating breast cancer and claiming that President Biden was behind the attempt to assassinate Mr. Trump in July.”
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
abraxas3d@defcon.social ("Abraxas3d") wrote:
Since the NextNav rules proposal (reorganize 900 MHz band, invite broadband data 5G in) got traction at FCC (ORI comments are here: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/10905692430822/1), I’m thinking that a proposal to renovate 219 MHz might just be in order?
If NextNav can get a proposal for rulemaking in front of the public, then we should be able to as well. 219 is a band with a spectrum management failure that has sided out amateur radio entirely. Last documented amateur activity was in the 1990s.
I presented about this band here:
@OpenResearchIns is on board, the ARRL counsel is receptive.
Can’t think of a better crowd of folks than this one that might want to see more spectrum for amateur, educational, and experimental work.
Amateur activity is restricted to point to point digital links in the current rules, but perhaps mobile digital amateur might be something to propose?
Get in touch if you want to help be the change.
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
Wow, ORconf are quick with the uploads 👀
Here is my talk on Surfer, a snappy and extensible waveform viewer for all your #asic and #fpga needs!
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Of course, Ellen Ullman may have said it best:
"We build our computers the way we build our cities -- over time, without a plan, on top of ruins."
Also, old man yells at cloud etc...
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
Did you know: the original Latin from which the term "liberal arts" is derived means "education given to free people"? "Liberal" here means free, as in freedom.
Liberal arts wasn't meant to be a niche degree; it was supposed to be ways we enjoy our freedom. We were *meant* to create art, study history, read poetry, and philosophize with our time. That was the point. That's what freedom was for.
Kinda makes you realize how much capitalism has put itself at odds with that notion of freedom, huh?
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
feoh@oldbytes.space ("Feoh") wrote:
Happy Friday everyone!
Got kind of a special #electronica mix today. 1/2 of Orbital doing a private studio mix I just can't get enough of!!!
Happy #friday and have an incredible weekend everyone!
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
genxjamerican@hachyderm.io ("Scott 🇯🇲 🇺🇸") wrote:
If you read anything about Haiti or Haitians today, make sure it is this: https://www.thenation.com/article/society/racist-cat-attacks-against-haitian-immigrants/
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Oh well, I suppose if I better understood biology, I would also be frustrated with how "terribly" engineered it is, and yet it's been pretty successful technology deployed on this planet for billions of years. Maybe that's apples and oranges, but then again... :thonking:
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
I mean, it's possible that this is just what happens to any technology that is widely deployed over time and has to interface with humans in multiple places with conflicting goals and requirements, and it's also possible that improvements are lost in the larger jank signal, but... it's so disappointing and... not enjoyable.
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Look, I know we've been collectively pouring billions of dollars and possibly billions of person years building out and building on the web stack, and it works in that we're all using it, but it is just super frustratingly janky in multiple dimensions. Some sort of hypercube of jankiness.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
robb@social.lol ("Robb Knight") wrote:
Y’all spending money on iPhones should send some to St Jude because you didn’t _need_ that new phone right? https://stjude.omg.lol
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
molly0xfff@hachyderm.io ("Molly White") wrote:
If you would like to bid on one of ten hand printed copies of this linocut print, all proceeds are going to the Internet Archive's Open Library.
#InternetArchive #OpenLibrary #libraries #linocut #printmaking
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
I guess we've adopted some new pets.
If AI companies used a significant amount renewable energy, we'd definitely hear about it, and every piece of slop would have a green logo on it. The silence means they have nothing good to say.
When hardware uses a lot of energy, it can become instant junk when a more energy-efficient generation comes out, because the cost of (new hardware + less energy) can be less than (free hardware + more energy). The effect is so significant it even makes old PCs not worth using.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
molly0xfff@hachyderm.io ("Molly White") wrote:
Newsletter: The recent Second Circuit decision in Hachette v. Internet Archive is only the latest battle in the war on libraries and the freedom to read.
#InternetArchive #HachettevInternetArchive #libraries #newsletter #CitationNeeded
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
xahteiwi ("Florian Haas") wrote:
OK "far-white Republican party" is an epic burn to begin with, and then it just keeps going like that.
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Completely unrelated (a non sequitur indeed), it's pretty amazing what you can use yt-dlp to download to save locally for later.
Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"):
anatudor ("Ana Tudor 🐯") wrote:
use `div`, `span`, other random elems for range `input` value displays/ rulers✅ DO
✨use `output` for value displays & set their `for` attr to `id` of the `input` whose value they display
✨use `datalist` for ruler & set its `id` as the value for `input`'s `list` attr#html #code #coding #tinyCodingTip #frontend #web #dev #webDev #webDevelopment
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
They recently performed with an orchestra. It was recorded, and the BBC appears to be letting anybody listen to it (at least I can stream it over here in the US).
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Me: [solemnly] "May God's little thought experiment remain uninterrupted..."
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
michalis_averof@drosophila.social ("Michalis Averof") wrote:
Can we observe how the injured leg of an animal is regenerated?
We have figured out how to do this in the crustacean Parhyale. Over the course of a week, we can record the entire process of leg regeneration at cell-by-cell resolution.
Our latest preprint describes how we do this and what we see:
https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.09.11.612529v1More info/links on https://bsky.app/profile/michalis-averof.bsky.social/post/3l3xonnzt6u2n
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
One thing of many that frustrates me about this systemd world we live in is that the whole notion of a dependency tree is entirely one way.
If I activate something, the whole dependency tree under it lights up, and that's totally fine, that's a reasonable thing to do, but after I deactivate it the whole tree under it just keeps trucking away.
Is anyone working on a computer-as-campsite, aggressively use-only-what's-required, clean-up-when-finished process manager?
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
jschauma@mstdn.social ("Jan Schaumann") wrote:
This is the start of the Fall semester for my class "Advanced #Programming in the #UNIX Environment". Syllabus and all course materials including all code examples available here:
All video lectures are public and available for free on YouTube:
If you want to follow along, I'll be posting weekly links in this thread throughout the semester.
bcantrill ("Bryan Cantrill") wrote:
This talk from Bruce Waggoner of @NASA on saving Voyager 1 is absolutely extraordinary -- and surely humanity's greatest single act of debugging?
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
gl33p ("Preston Austin") wrote:
A few things publishers seek to bring an end to, with courts' help:
“Libraries are critical infrastructure. Access to information is a human right. When you buy a book you should truly own it. When a library buys a book, they should be able to lend it. Readers should be able to read without any third parties spying over their shoulders, or preventing them from accessing the materials they have legally obtained.” @molly0xfff
Big publishers think libraries are the enemy https://www.citationneeded.news/hachette-v-internet-archive/
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
molly0xfff@hachyderm.io ("Molly White") wrote:
6 × 8” linocut relief print, CC BY 4.0
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
As proof of concept for a Mars colony, I think Musk should build a mansion on top of Mt Everest, and move there permanently.
I'm disappointed that AI companies are not transparent about their energy usage.
AI training technically isn't time sensitive, and could be scaled down to run entirely on renewable energy, but the AI companies probably feel they must race it 24/7 on full blast to justify the billions invested.
The GPUs they've spent the billions on are about to become obsolete junk when the next generation comes out, so gotta max them out while they're competitive.
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
🤔 .oO( I wonder what the inside of a star smells like... )
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
When I was a kid, we used 100% all natural fusion to dry our clothes. It worked pretty well most days.
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
100% all natural fusion. Accept no substitutes.
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
They're eating the pets!
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
All natural, organic pesticide for the home.
"Capitalism has made it this way,
Old-fashioned fascism will take it away."-- Marilyn Manson, The Beautiful People
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
I’ll try to curb my enthusiasm @CARROT
Reblogged by jakedel@mamot.fr ("S. Delafond"):
freexian@hachyderm.io ("Freexian :debian:") wrote:
We document the work done each month by Debian LTS contributors, funded by Freexian's Debian LTS offering.
The monthly report for August is published and is available at - https://www.freexian.com/blog/debian-lts-report-2024-08/
Your organization too can sponsor the Debian LTS offering (https://www.freexian.com/lts/debian/) and join the esteemed list of sponsors in the monthly report.
isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:") wrote:
Yes! For the second day in a row, after a week of failures, I finally remembered NOT to wet my sponge after I finish soaping up the range and the island, but use the remaining soap in the sponge for the appliances' handles.
I know it means nothing to y'all, but I just needed to share the excitement!
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Mark Zuckerberg’s 20-year mistake
"In important ways, Facebook — now Meta — escaped any real accountability for its lapses around data privacy, content moderation, and child safety. After countless performative hearings, the United States Congress did not pass a single national law to regulate Meta and other big tech companies." https://www.platformer.news/mark-zuckerberg-acquired-podcast-interview/?ref=platformer-newsletter
Reblogged by slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell"):
molly0xfff@hachyderm.io ("Molly White") wrote:
My beliefs are simple, and hardly radical: Libraries are critical infrastructure. Access to information is a human right. When you buy a book you should truly own it. When a library buys a book, they should be able to lend it. Readers should be able to read without any third parties spying over their shoulders, or preventing them from accessing the materials they have legally obtained.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
AnarchoNinaWrites@jorts.horse wrote:
Also, while I'm on the subject of letting them off the hook, what the fuck is wrong with Karine Jean Pierre?
Trump and Vance didn't "fall for" a racist conspiracy theory you absolute pinhead. They are spreading a racist conspiracy theory because they're fucking nazis running a white nationalist campaign. They were not tricked, they are doing it fucking intentionally.
Reblogged by nadim@infosec.exchange ("Nadim Kobeissi"):
infobeautiful@vis.social ("Information Is Beautiful") wrote:
Curve fitting methods & what they say https://xkcd.com/2048/
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
eeeps@front-end.social ("Eric Portis") wrote:
@collinsworth daydreaming about getting this on my knee in pink just for someone, somewhere to idly ask me, "hey is that a chappell roan / edgar allen poe tattoo?" and then BAM hit 'em with the punchline
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
How can a community so well-versed in this very topic fail to see what's happening here? Zuck is taking the piss.
How do we think non-tech people will receive a sudden influx of strangers asking them to "click on this link" to get to their setting in an app?
And if by chance they do click on it, a splash page appears more warning than invite.
Reblogged by isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:"):
setiinstitute ("SETI Institute") wrote:
#PPOD: This stunning photograph captures the most violent moment during an eruption of the Calbuco volcano in Chile. Volcanic lightning occurs in the plumes of eruptions when volcanic ash particles collide, generating static electricity. Additionally, water vapor in the plume condenses and freezes as it rises, adding ice to the mix. And voila! The eventual electrical discharge causes lightning. Credit: Francisco Negroni, https://www.francisconegroni.com/index
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
laurenshof@indieweb.social ("Laurens Hof") wrote:
This is still holding up well I see lol
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
Say "best practices" again motherfucker. Say it again, I dare you, I double dare you.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
Em0nM4stodon@infosec.exchange ("Em :official_verified:") wrote:
"Meta fed its AI on almost everything you’ve posted publicly since 2007" from The Verge:
"Meta has just decided that [they] will scrape all of the photos and all of the texts from every public post on Instagram or Facebook since 2007 unless there was a conscious decision to set them on private"
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Some might say #Threads launched a link that warns people of the #fediverse.
But only after a stranger tells them to turn it on by doing something extremely unfamiliar in a native app— clicking a link to get to your settings.
From: @fediforum
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
palin ("Madame President") wrote:
Please do not call the Heritage Foundation right now and report that your neighbor saw an illegal alien eating a baby.
The guy on the phone sounded worn out.
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
I am once again begging you to stop making charts that require the ability to distinguish colors to understand.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
zens@merveilles.town ("Luci for dyeing") wrote:
grumpy website: Bad UI examples
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Also, don't share this. I don't want Google picking up the term "data piggy" with the definition provided in this post.
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
I'm so mad I had to write an open letter to the internet: STOP CALLING VENTURE CAPITALISTS "LITTLE DATA PIGGIES"
Thank you.
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
An open letter:
Listen. Just because calling venture capitalists "data piggies" is objectively hilarious— ugh. I'm so mad, just... Don't do it, you guys.
Don't 👏 call 👏 venture 👏 capitalists 👏 "data piggies" 👏 🐽
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
@fromjason not piggies, hogs.
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
N4JAW@mastodon.radio ("Jim "Ham on a Bike"") wrote:
Fun day hunting #POTA #SOTA & others before getting hit with remnants of #Francine My mic was connected to FT891 so I decided to use it. #Buddipolevertical worked great with contacts to NY, OK,FL, MN, and Saskatchewan Canada
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
gtconway3@threads.net ("George Conway") wrote:
Republicans in Arizona: “He lost a big opportunity to turn things around, I think, with such a poor debate performance."
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
arstechnica ("Ars Technica") wrote:
“Face with bags under eyes” sets the tone for new Unicode 16.0 emoji update
New designs will roll out to phones, tablets, and PCs over the next few months.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
folks are beginning to see this when Herr Trump speaks
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
spritelyinst@octodon.social ("The Spritely Institute") wrote:
Come work with us! We're hiring a Technical Administrator! https://spritely.institute/news/come-work-with-us-hiring-a-technical-administrator.html
Become a part of internet history! This position is unusual in that it calls for a combination of administrative work with some technical work. Effectively, this position is to shadow / assist the Executive Director in their duties and help organize and execute the mission of the organization. Due to the nature of our organization, this position requires running a Linux distribution and using Emacs as your editor (vim users are welcome to apply by using Spacemacs, etc); it does not require full experience using these tools but does require a self-motivated learner who is enthusiastic about learning.
Sounds like you? Consider applying! Direct link to job posting: https://spritely.institute/jobs/2024-09-12-technical-administrator.html
collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
I was concerned that my club for people with pink tattoos of Edgar Allan Poe on their knee was too niche, but it's actually gotten so big Chappell Roan even wrote a song about it.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
vozercozer@wetdry.world ("vozy 👾") wrote:
do android girls dream of electric pups
Reblogged by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
CliffWade@allthingstech.social wrote:
Good morning and happy Thursday #Fediverse
It's a new day, so let's all discuss what our day has in store for us.
Today is just another day of training/orientation for me at this new job. Not really sure yet how I feel about it and where it's heading, but we shall see I guess.
Nothing else planned after the work day, so we'll take it as it comes.
Captured this image on our daily morning walk. Such a beautiful sunrise this morning.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
those State-by-State margins are uncomfortably close, and some of them do tend to co-vary
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
This is probably the closest thing to actual journalism I've ever done.
You know the "creator-owned" streaming service Nebula? The one that content creators frequently refer to as "my streaming service Nebula" when advertising it?
Something about that always felt off to me so I did some digging to find the actual ownership structure of the company.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
+5 with a margin of error of +-3 seems like A Good Sign
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
darcher@hachyderm.io ("Chairman Meow ᓚᘏᗢ 🦋🍉") wrote:
@EvilKiru @fromjason the Piglet Union is not to be messed with. Deep pockets. Friends in high places. Allies in the Cat Union, which as you know pretty much runs the place.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
ophiocephalic@kolektiva.social ("ophiocephalic 🐍") wrote:
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
darcher@hachyderm.io ("Chairman Meow ᓚᘏᗢ 🦋🍉") wrote:
@EvilKiru @fromjason Slander!!!
Or is it libel? Anyway, you'll be hearing from our lawyers.
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
Personal brand, personal brand, doing some things, a personal stan, what's he like, it's not important, personal brand.
Reblogged by fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻"):
EvilKiru@techhub.social ("EvilKiru 🇮🇸 he/him") wrote:
@fromjason Is it OK to call them thieving data harvesting piglets?
Reblogged by xor@tech.intersects.art ("Parker Higgins"):
tilde@infosec.town ("Tilde Lowengrimm") wrote:
@xor Inside me, there are two wolves. This is not enough to control the deer population inside me and it is causing substantial harm to the river and wetland ecosystem inside me. Ecologists inside me want to release additional wolves into the region inside me, but ranchers inside me are opposed to the idea inside me.
fromjason ("fromjason.xyz ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Please do not call venture capitalists "data piggies" you guys. It's unflattering and not very nice.
Again. Please refrain from calling venture capitalists "little curly tailed data piggies," and never, ever make an "oink oink" noise when you do it.
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
Alice_Swaggen@flipping.rocks ("Alice 🐝") wrote:
Please observe le bébé… France excuse me what??
I found this giant fella hiding in a wooden bench, I think I gasped about 5 times in a row when I saw it, I’d never found one of these before
I had to resist the temptation to give it a lil kissy on its massive forehead :blobaww:
"Every man has two lives, and the second starts when he realizes he has just one"
-- (Probably) Confucius
Reblogged by collinsworth@hachyderm.io ("Josh Collinsworth"):
eleventy@fosstodon.org ("Eleventy 🎈 v3.0.0-alpha.20") wrote:
📮 Big news today, y’all: 11ty is joining Font Awesome