Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"):
paulhmason ("Paul Mason") wrote:
If a web framework can't work with a new HTML element then it's pretty useless. Custom Elements (Web Components) are just new HTML elements - framework authors need to sort out their shit and do things properly.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
I wrote something. Its short.
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Biped Earthling") wrote:
"Substack CEO Chris Best said he didn't want to "engage in speculation" about statements like “all brown people are animals.""
Given another opportunity to answer correctly by the interviewer, “You know this is a very bad response to this question, right? You’re aware that you’ve blundered into this. You should just say no. And I’m wondering what’s keeping you from just saying no,"
He declined.
So, fuck him. And fuck his site.
I'll NEVER use Substack. #BlackMastodon
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Jenniferplusplus") wrote:
I'm so tired of reading takes on moderation that begin and end with "decide what content I see". That's not even half the question.
It's not about what I see. It's about who can see me. I want to be in control of who has access to me.
For all of it's myriad flaws, activitypub does actually do that, somewhat. And other protocols just don't. Either they're 1:n, 1:all, or all:all. It's so baffling to me that this is the only option that even attempts to do 1:some.
Reblogged by ("Josh Collinsworth"): ("Dr. Maddkap, Werepsychologist") wrote:
Calm your tits, Karen. It also says 7 fucking pounds. A lot has changed since then.
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"):
blogdiva ("yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦") wrote:
2025 will be the year of Black Caribeñas; and y'all better recognize 🧐
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): wrote:
AI Bullshit. Good articles about how much AI fucking sucks on the fediverse over the past few months (?). ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
I forgot about this:
"On June 22, 2002, six days after the cancellation of Politically Incorrect, Maher received the Los Angeles Press Club president's award (for "championing free speech")." ("Alex Russell") wrote:
What sort of data would have cleared the bar? And how should an exception-based policy read? I might write a blog post on this, but the high points would be:
- observable (by measurement or proxy) interaction depth; i.e., how frequently do users or servers update the *same* data across a session?
- falsifiable claims about research into user devices and networks
- P90+ gates for latency across all critical user journeys
- ...which implies having defined what those journeys are ("Alex Russell") wrote:
Literally every team I have worked with in the past decade would have benefited from having to use data to justify why this was the wrong advice for their service:
Few had that data, fewer still investigated it or did bakeoffs to make their case. All would have spent less time in JS purgatory for the effort.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Three cheese ravioli four cheese ravioli where does it end with you people
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
I'm currently on BuyMeACoffee but considering switching to ko-fi. Anyone using ko-fi like it there?
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("I ❤️ Websites Club") wrote:
Archive— The Occult, Metaphysics, The Paranormal, Magazines, Journals, and Newsletters.
Here are a few cover arts I found interesting.
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Timnit Gebru (she/her)") wrote:
Today's rendition of the game "is this AI hype from 2024 or 1974"?
"In three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being. I mean a machine that will be able to read Shakespeare, grease a car, play office politics tell a joke, have a fight. At that point the machine will begin to educate itself with fantastic speed. In a few months it will be at genius level and a few months after its powers will be incalculable."
Minsky ~1970.
I think this filament should be dry enough now!
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
I imagine our brains process hyper-tailored For You Pages as if you were a hunter in the forest and boar kept walking up to you and dying at your feet.
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("L. Rhodes") wrote:
"The microbiologist researcher trains bacteria by feeding them samples of the animal collagen glue that is stuck to the paintings. The bacteria then naturally produce enzymes to degrade the glue. […] After three hours, the gel is removed, revealing glue-free paintings." #bacteriology #artRestoration
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"):
Daojoan ("Joan Westenberg") wrote:
UBBI (universal basic bitch income): $500 a month but you have to post "live laugh love" every day
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("everest") wrote:
__ Handwriting your RSS feed __
A short guide for updating your RSS feed like you update your handmade websiteDo you write your HTML by hand? Have you ever wondered if you could keep an RSS feed similarly - no management software, only a webhost and a text editor?
I've written a barebones guide to handwritten RSS. It's so, so, easy.
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Kit Bashir") wrote:
Shocked, *shocked* to hear¹ that OpenAI was three VCs in a nonprofit trenchcoat.
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Alda Vigdís :topspicy: 🇵🇸") wrote:
Matt Mullenweg is the sort of guy who would join a community theatre and then call the FBI for help once someone says "break a leg" to him.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
21 Theories of The Web
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
I want to go to Montana. Can I make it before the snow? ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
rinse & repeat:
“Following an ambush by Hezbollah in Israeli territory that left three soldiers dead and two abducted, the 2006 Lebanon War started. During the war Israeli bombardments seeking Hezbollah targets caused damage in many parts of Beirut, especially the poorer and largely Shiite South Beirut, which is controlled by Hezbollah. On 3 August 2006, Hassan Nasrallah vowed to strike Tel Aviv in retaliation for Israel's bombardment of Lebanon's capital.“
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Hot take but I consider Tumblr the #openweb.
I know it's had/has some problematic owners over the years.
But there no other platform that embodies the open web as Tumblr.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Brat Summer is out. Morning Mist Autumn is in, baby!
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): ("Evan Martin") wrote:
SSH access on Windows 11 recipe, for those who don't know Windows (like me):
- Settings -> search Optional Features -> Add an optional feature -> search OpenSSH server
- (If your account is admin) edit \ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config to comment out the block about admin accounts, or face hilarious complex Windows permissions errors attempting to use their setting
- win+x -> Terminal (Admin) -> `Service-Start sshd` ; `Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'`
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): wrote:
Threads sure has a lot of accounts with default profile pictures replying to everyone and explaining that the Lebanese population is—in fact—happy about the bombings.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
#Meta following Elon's path and blocking links to the JD dossier on all its platforms.
Reblogged by fribbledom ("muesli"):
#flohmarkt BETA is out now \o/
Come and join us to celebrate at
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Molly White") wrote:
A simple technique called “POSSE” offers the best of both worlds: total control over your own work, while still maintaining a presence on third-party social media platforms.
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): wrote:
Apple got denied an extension on document discovery stuff with Epic and the denial from the judge is one of the best things I've ever read.
Absolutely calling them out on their nonsense behaviour for once!
It's 2 pages of perfection.
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Lizbeth") wrote:
The shadow over innsmouth print is almost ready, hope you like fish people 🐟 ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
If there's one art media I do not like, it's Play Doh. Oh well. It is what it is, and the important part is playing with the kiddo.
(Photos taken on a potato phone without "AI".) ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
The sunchokes are choking out all the sun in our backyard! ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
“I Know a Man” by Robert Creeley
As I sd to my
friend, because I am
always talking,—John, Isd, which was not his
name, the darkness sur-
rounds us, whatcan we do against
it, or else, shall we &
why not, buy a goddamn big car,drive, he sd, for
christ’s sake, look
out where yr going.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
The one thing about white Twitter spaces that always baffled me was how often their approach to Black liberation was simply to ignore Black liberators.
I don't mean metaphorically. I mean how Academia Twitter, intellectual twitter, journalist Twitter, all, would just straight up ignore Black activists in the comments.
Tell a predominant white academic that their worldview is incomplete, and doesn't consider people of color, and its crickets 🦗. Always.
6/ ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
If USB cables are ever worth money I will rule the world.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
And Twitter? Well, we all know what happened there, right? White supremacy found a crack and exploited it.
Because its never, ever, enough to simply call out cartoonish forms of racism. It’s the insidious kind that always gets us.
It thrives in environments where we falsing believe that our political ideologies exempt us from rasicm. It scans the corners of the web that willfulling ignore the absence of certain people.
The #Fediverse is not exempt. In fact, those cracks are well established.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
And when white supremacy finds a sufficiently sized crack, which is never as big as we’d think, it pushes through until that crack is a gaping chasm of rushing water.
History confirms this narrative— Punks, wellness, cottagecore, furries—all well-meaning, predominantly white spaces that didn’t deal with the hums of anti-Blackness until it was too late.
They chose to get defensive instead of introspective.
#SocialWeb #Fediverse #IndieWeb
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
It's this festering insecurity that makes communities vulnerable to infiltration of the more caricaturized form of racism. 
Explicit expressions of white supremacy are often forced to live in the margins of polite society. So, it must hide in coded language and micro-aggressions.
But that's not where WS wants to be. It wants to live in the sunlight, out in the open for all to see. So, WS is constantly scanning for cracks in societal norms.
#Fediverse #IndieWeb #SocialWeb
3/ ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote: ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
OMFG this is hilarious, and it appears to be a real thing. (the site takes forever to load… suffering from success, methinks).
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
There’s a specific flavor of aggression that comes from non-conservative, predominately white digital spaces. I think it draws from insecurity, almost like a projection.
#Twitter had it, to an extent, in the 2010s. As liberal-leaning as the hell-site was, there was always an unsettling presence of anti-Blackness. It was never overt, at least in the more liberal corners.
It was more like the persistent humming of an air conditioner— easy to tune out, but if you listened you could hear it.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
A Fedi-Coming-to-Jesus:
More than even the threat of #Meta, if the #Fediverse does not address its anti-Blackness in the general populace, it will rot the community from the inside out.
You can hate me for mentioning it if you want, but you know it's true. Deep down, you can feel it, too. Sometimes, we’re afraid to admit a problem we don't immediately know how to fix.
And that's fine—it's human. But history is clear about what happens if we don't figure this out. ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
In mid August I finished up my second sketchbook[1], and I needed to start another. I ended up taking an unintentional break from drawing when I got hung up trying to figure out a different approach to my drawing practice. I didn't want to start with a fresh sketchbook until I figured it out. I finally got over it the other day. My first drawing was depicting what I imagine Pac-Man looks like once you get enough resolution.
[1] in this stage of my life.
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Scott Kellum :typetura:") wrote:
Men will literally block hundreds of thousands of people from critical software updates instead of going to therapy
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Ethan Marcotte") wrote:
the product doesn’t return reliable results, it’s an ethicist’s nightmare, to keep it running they have to punch barn-sized holes in the environment, but at least it’s wildly profitable [touches earpiece] hang on ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
All this could have been hidden away if only we shuttered NOAA and the National Hurricane Center, and someone could have made money off the disaster. ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
I'm trying to extend some grace to artists with an already established track record of being great while they figure out their approach or stance on generative "AI".
(Still not buying any "AI" slop/spam they curate while they do so.) ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
I love John Oliver ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
What kind of college town doesn't have an accessible coffee shop?
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab") wrote:
"no, really, it's good," they say, "it's so very promising for the future of the fediverse that this very serious organization has been founded to help steer the direction of the social web along with the big corporate players in the social space" and then pwoom! I launch the sundogistani trebuchet and send them back into the void from whence they came.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
For a second, I forgot what @molly0xfff's site was called, read the overline and said to myself "well that's a fucking rude editorialization" lol I need to go to sleep
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Aoife 🦫 🏴") wrote:
Everyone did you weird dweeb.
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): ("Zach Leatherman :11ty:") wrote:
If your JavaScript framework doesn’t support web components, it doesn’t support the web platform.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
I wish I could find it, but there's this video of a creator replying to an incredulous commenter about them never wanting to visit Italy.
They said something to the effect of, "Before I go anywhere I ask— are there Black people there, do they like Black people, are Black people safe? And if the answer is no, I don't go there."
Reblogged by rmrenner ("The Old Gay Gristle Fest"): ("ComputerChroniclesScreens") wrote:
Approximate Frame #856 from The Computer Chronicles - Cyber Politics 1996-[YMebP4LKx28]
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Shebang is a type of Aya") wrote:
. do you think BGP routers are lesbians and sharing routes is like a k-kiss,,
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Oh and I'll bet my socks #Meta wants the term social web instead of #Fediverse, aka Federated Universe, as it implies a lurking Federal power.
Not a good look for a comically evil corp biding its time before all the small Activity Pub fiefdoms are forced onto its infrastructure by way of regulatory capture.
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Digital communities need to be smaller and decentralized from the fucking pipes to the platform.
Sovereign by default, federated case by case under individual community governance.
Without a federal authority, appointed or de facto.
The term "eco-chamber" has been weaponized.
The marketplace of ideas is a lie perpetuated by market landlords and their vassals. We never had a say in anything.
That about sums it up for my hot takes.
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"):
Daojoan ("Joan Westenberg") wrote:
“Regulations are stifling us,” "The Government can't innovate," whine the billionaires tweeting on the internet ARPA invented
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"):
grimalkina ("Cat Hicks") wrote:
Sorry but saying "most technological problems are actually human problems" and then never in any way attempting to understand or put rigor to the human problems is lazy and not cutting it in 2024
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): ("CSS by T. Afif :verified:") wrote:
@kizu It's actually my new favorite "coding style" 😅
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): ("TobeB") wrote:
Records obtained by the Guardian show that lobbyists working for major North American oil and gas companies were key architects of anti-protest laws that increase penalties and could lead to non-violent environmental and climate activists being imprisoned up to 10 years.
#climateChange #climateCatastrophe #climateEmergency #climateBreakdown #tippingPoint ("Alex Russell") wrote:
I don't understand how UIs this misleading are legal. ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
Before today, I'd been in a blogging slump since early summer, so thanks, Matt Mullenweg, for giving me something I was passionate enough to write about once again.
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"):
rgadellaa ("Roderick Gadellaa") wrote:
@Starfia @slightlyoff I (and many devs who know they could do more) are held back by what is possible on iOS. We can't afford to only build a web app for Android. It needs to work on iOS as well.
So iOS gets to set the ceiling of what the web can do
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): ("Andy Greenberg") wrote:
Hackers showed me (there's video) how a website vulnerability let them locate, unlock, honk the horn, start ignition of any of millions Kias in seconds, just by reading a car's license plate.
They found similar bugs for a dozen carmakers over the last two years.
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
I don't know if this works for anyone else but this feels like a nice picture to me.
📷 Pentax KX
🎞️ Fuji Superia X-tra 400
🔭 Pentax M 50mm/1.7
⚗️ Come Through Lab#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #35mm #Cumbria #LakeDistrict #TheLakes ("Alex Russell") wrote:
My toxic trait is that I firmly believe that NPM is a backend technology that should vend no code you actually send to a browser.
Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): ("Michael Stanclift") wrote:
The inventor of the World Wide Web is now on the Fediverse 👋 @timbl
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
You can now re-arrange media in the post you're composing and get an accurate preview of how it's going to be laid out. We've also made slight improvements to the media tab on your profile. And clicking the ALT badge will now bring up the alt text!
Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:
#DevinTownsend's performance of The Moth in Groningen is already sold out, both days. It only went up today. I guess I don't have to think about how to make the travel work now. ("Alex Russell") wrote:
Another day, another iOS web showstopper:
Real question: if Apple was *explicitly* trying to hamstring the web (without getting caught), what would it do differently?
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Susan Going Incognito") wrote:
Release the Quacken! 🤭
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Elena ``of Valhalla''") wrote:
I just stumbled on…
stories from random merchant-class people, their trade and their personal life, from the letters they wrote on clay tablets
Reblogged by ("Luca Fabbri"): ("The Spaceshipper 🚀") wrote:
RIP Dame Maggie Smith (1934-2024)
Among many other roles, the British actress was brilliant in Othello (1965), California Suite (1978), Clash of the Titans (1981), Hook (1991), Sister Act (1992), Gosford Park (2001), Downton Abbey, and of course, the Harry Potter series (2001–2011).
We'll miss her. ("Josh Collinsworth") wrote:
I decided to (hastily, probably clumsily, definitely verbosely) put down all of my thoughts on the Matt Mullenweg/WP Engine fiasco.
In short: I believe it's in the best interest of WordPress that Matt's powers be severely curtailed, if not entirely removed. ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
okay, if this is in the dlang docs as an example
dt += 10.days + 100.seconds;
then I’m going to guess I can get a subscription expiryDate to happen easily/quickly/cheaply… yay ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
okay, I just *know* the D programming language *had* to have reasonable date arithmetic support… I wonder if this will work
auto expiryDate = Clock.currTime(UTC()) + 30.days;
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Carl C") wrote:
Omeprazole (the acid reflux medication) sounds like it belongs in that Italian song of nonsense meant to sound like English.
"Prisencolinensinainciusol" by Adriano Celentano
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("JNL") wrote:
Mastodon nerds, this is an urgent message: please keep nerding out on things you are passionate about and then taking us along on your deep dives. Share your pics and discoveries. Muse. Show us dust motes and explain how you learned that no two are the same.
A passionate engagement with the beauty and weirdness of the world we have is a hope project. It is a meaning-making project.
It is a resistance project. ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
a wonderful place to walk
Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
hynek ("Hynek Schlawack") wrote:
Thru my tech podcast echo chamber I only hear about Apple’s bullshit and sometimes wonder why people would even develop for iOS but then I read reminders like ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
How nice that evolution can explain how we get MAGA.
Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Cory Doctorow") wrote:
Tor Books has just published two new, free "Little Brother" stories: "Vigilant," about creepy surveillance in distance education:
And "Spill," about oil pipelines and indigenous landback:
eof/ ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
Okay... This feeling is intensifying. Stevie Nicks and The Cure have new tracks out.
Reblogged by ("Nadim Kobeissi"):
My talk on End-to-end Encryption in Local-first Apps is available 🥳
In the talk I covered four key pillars:
- Sync
- Key Agreement
- Establishing Trust
- Identity
and for each I explained the why and how with examples and compared local-first frameworksCheckout
fromjason (" ❤️ 💻") wrote:
Also, I fully intend on this blog having an ending. Maybe 25 posts idk. We'll see. Experimenting.
Listen up, I’m assembling a team!