@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:
@taralx Its*. Dang autocorrect.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:
@taralx Its*. Dang autocorrect.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:
@taralx As loose as SQLite is with enforcing types, it does have a nice feature in that it’s schema includes the entire text of your CREATE TABLE statement, including comments. That would partly satisfy my desire to explicitly define some things.
COMMENT ON is a PITA to use and read.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @taralx:
@taralx Oh, I’ll be doing checks in the application logic too. (In particular for some logic that’s difficult to express as DB constraints.)
But because I know other teams may read/use my schema, I like to be explicit about what rules I can.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @taralx:
@taralx (In PG, at least) “NO ACTION” is almost equivalent to “DENY”, the only difference being when in the transaction the error is raised.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:
I want to keep some data around longer than the things it references, because that data might one day get cleaned up, but I need the old data. So, I can't use a foreign key. But now my DB doesn't know/declare that this column's actually just referencing a key in another table.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:
Creating some database schemas today. I wish (Pg)SQL had a "WEAK REFERENCE" type to:
- Explicitly declare the relationship between tables.
- Ensure that foreign keys exist when I insert rows.
- But NOT delete this row when the referenced row gets deleted.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @gcouprie:
@gcouprie Whatever bytes (Tweet)NaCL gives me. TBH didn’t even know there were different serializations for those keys. They’re so tiny!
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @gcouprie:
@gcouprie In FeoBlog, I serialize public keys and signatures as base58. For private keys I use base58check. (Easier to check typos that way before using the wrong secret key. Plus the size difference makes it easy to distinguish pub/priv.)
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:
I was far into this tweet before realizing it wasn’t about software developers.
Those building codes that exist for physical buildings? … I’ve never seen an equivalent in software. Imagine how *that* is getting built.
(Caveat: haven’t worked in 🏥/✈️. Hope they’re better?)
with quote tweet:
@brianthehuman ("brian") wrote:
as a guy who has worked with my fair share of developers i don’t think it should be controversial to say that if plumbing wasn’t required by code they’d be building apartments without it. there are legal minimum standards because if there weren’t, developers wouldn’t do them
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@jfbastien ("JF Bastien") wrote:
Why is it impossible to to learn C++ remotely, having to instead be in-person?
Because if the C++ class were fully virtual, then it would be a Java class.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@MattGertz ("Matthew Gertz") wrote:
The GOP's favored news outlet is telling its audience of vulnerable seniors that encouraging people to get updated boosters is "govt covid propaganda," and celebrating that uptake is low.
In a related story, Republicans are dying of COVID at higher rates than Democrats.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@NireBryce ("Nire Bryce") wrote:
not "software engineer" as in liable when the bridge collapses
but "software engineer" as in twiddling knobs and pulling levers and shoveling coal into the computer's belly and watching the 3 vague metrics so that the computer does not catastrophically explode
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@jasonschreier ("Jason Schreier") wrote:
In the video game industry, one strong sign that you're making a hit is that your employees can't stop playing your game. I wonder what the opposite means
with quote tweet:
Meta’s flagship metaverse app is too buggy and employees are barely using it, says exec in charge https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/6/23391895/meta-facebook-horizon-worlds-vr-social-network-too-buggy-leaked-memo?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
Barrett won’t recuse herself from a LGBT case whose anti-LGBT group paid her
Federalist Society Justices won’t recuse themselves from a Koch case though Koch funded them
Clarence Thomas won’t recuse himself from Trump cases though Ginni is an insurrectionist
SCOTUS has fallen
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@Saturn_Marooned ("✨Chloe✨❤️🎃🕸️") wrote:
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@bcantrill ("Bryan Cantrill") wrote:
How "Measure What Matters" turns into "Abandon Everything"
with quote tweet:
@buccocapital ("Bucco Capital") wrote:
Reddit comment on why so many Google products get shut down
“Internally, we called it the LPA cycle: Launch, Promo, Abandon”
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@gabehudson ("Gabe Hudson") wrote:
I keep getting pissed at myself for letting imminent collapse of civilization distract me from knocking shit off my to do list
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:
Anybody have tips for things to check w.r.t. #Windows11Pro being slow?
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
the google stadia news reminded me of my favorite Goomic
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@Robbiepierce ("Robbie 🌮🦝🥾") wrote:
A random unattended 7yo at the park told me and my son that gay people are the devil and are going to hell. My son scoffed, but the boy said it was true because God said so. I told him parents made up God to make their kids do what they want. His eyes got so big.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@mhdksafa ("Mohamad Safa") wrote:
I don't mind at all having to pay taxes when the poor can't. What really pisses me off is having to pay taxes when the rich won't.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@ElieNYC ("Elie Mystal") wrote:
So… lemme get this straight… “Defund the police” in response to their brutal murders of black people “too far left”but DEFUND THE LITERAL DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is just a regular thing white folks are allowed to say I’m in support of their King.
Am I getting this right?
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@JudiciaryGOP ("House Judiciary GOP") wrote:
Why would anyone support a bill that gives $140 MILLION to the same Department of Justice that raided President Trump's home?
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@imaguid ("nobody") replied to a tweet by @venite:
@venite @snipeyhead @afilina that's not how inheritance is supposed to work in programming
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @lcasdev:
@lcasdev Cool!
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@denise_dewald ("Denise Dewald, MD 🗽") wrote:
Unless we put limits on corporations buying single family houses, 90% of us are going to end up as lifelong renters, and the US will be one giant network of Pottersvilles.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@mjs_DC ("Mark Joseph Stern") wrote:
Incoming Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni wants to ban same-sex couples from adopting children, and possibly dissolve same-sex couples' legal parentage over the children they've already adopted. Gay parents are considering fleeing the country. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/25/world/europe/lgbt-adoption-giorgia-meloni.html
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:
Lies, damned lies, and story points.
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@chimeracoder ("Aditya Mukerjee, the Otterrific 🦦 🏳️🌈") wrote:
libraries are "wading into a culture war" by "continuing to exist and doing the thing they were doing all along" (lending books)
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@politicony ("POLITICO New York") wrote:
New York libraries have waded into America’s culture wars by directly lending 25,000 books to non-residents since spring, including thousands of students living under the bans https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/24/conservative-districts-banned-books-brooklyns-library-00057828
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:
@jckarter ("Joe Groff") wrote:
When the IDE has "show inferred types" on
@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:
TL;DR: #rust 1.64 broke my builds. :(