@NfNitLoop on Twitter: Posts

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @AOC:

@AOC Agreed. If rail is so crucial to the economy, perhaps workers need to get paid what they’re worth so they don’t strike. And get paid sick time so that they don’t make their coworkers sick and impact this crucial service.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @AOC:

@AOC Agreed. If rail is so crucial to the economy, perhaps workers need to get paid what they’re worth so they don’t strike. And get paid sick time so that they don’t make their coworkers sick and impact this crucial service.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@AOC ("Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez") wrote:

Railroad workers grind themselves to the bone for this country as their labor produces billions for Wall St.

They demand the basic dignity of paid sick days. I stand with them.

If Congress intervenes, it should be to have workers’ backs and secure their demands in legislation.

with quote tweet:

@POTUS ("President Biden") replied to a tweet by @POTUS:

At this critical moment for our economy, in the holiday season, we cannot hurl the U.S. into a devastating rail freight shutdown.

Congress should get this bill to my desk as soon as possible so we can avoid disruption.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@Esqueer_ ("Alejandra Caraballo") wrote:

We're starting to see a wave of suspensions of anti fascist accounts all over Twitter. Yesterday, it was the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club. Today, it was Chad Loder. It's clear Twitter is now targeting the accounts of ideological opponents of the far right.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@nandoodles ("Nandini Jammi") wrote:

ok but first I'm going to shout out the fact that u make 2.9% + 30¢ USD off every "Stop Grooming Our Kids" mug and t-shirt sold by Libs of TikTok

with quote tweet:

@Shopify wrote:

it's officially pride month so I think you should shout out your fave queer owned biz in the comments

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@alilleybrinker ("Andrew isn't here") replied to a tweet by @mountain_ghosts:

@mountain_ghosts @steveklabnik C: "This is a float, but it might instead be an int"
Me: "Can you tell me which one?"
C: "..."
C: "No."

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@davenewworld_2 ("Fifty Shades of Whey") wrote:

Police and law enforcement lobbyists in Minnesota have come out against a rule banning applicants or officers from participating in or supporting white supremacist, hate, or extremist groups.

Remember this the next time every city in America proposes more funding to cops.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@chadloder ("Chad Loder - @chadloder@kolektiva.social") wrote:

NEW: The 22-year-old Colorado Springs mass shooter whose record was mysteriously sealed after making a bomb threat last year is the grandson of GOP California State Assemblyman @RandyVoepel from San Diego, who voiced support for the Jan 6 Capitol attack. https://heavy.com/news/anderson-lee-aldrich/

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@HeidiBeedle ("Heidi Beedle @heidibeedle@mastodon.lol") wrote:

The last year has seen a concerted effort to demonize LGBTQ people as “groomers” or worse. CSPD has not released a motive for last night’s shooting, but for queer people it seems like a natural consequence of the political environment.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@RepAdamSchiff ("Adam Schiff") wrote:

The United States should take no action to shield those who murder journalists, let alone those who kill and dismember residents of our country.

Far from it. We should seek justice, and relentlessly so.

Life — not oil — is what we must treasure.

with quote tweet:

@CNN wrote:

The Biden administration has determined that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman should be granted immunity in a case brought against him by the fiancée of Jamal Khashoggi, whom the administration has said was murdered at the prince’s direction https://cnn.it/3V5vqVF

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@juliacarriew ("Julia Carrie Wong") wrote:

I know this is all happening fast but if you have 75% of a workforce (if that ends up being true) willing to walk over management’s unilateral changes to working conditions, one idea is to start signing union cards

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@JoshuaPHilll ("Read Jackson Rising by @CooperationJXN") wrote:

The most important thing I learned after Uvalde is that there are over 50,000 school police officers in this country, but they haven't stopped even one school shooting. Instead they've arrested over 1 million kids, mostly students of color.

with quote tweet:

@CBSNews ("CBS News") wrote:

"Don't make a wrong move," an officer said as he pinned a struggling second-grader to the ground, ultimately for 38 minutes. "Period." https://cbsn.ws/3E6QwvT

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

lmao what a baby

with quote tweet:

@CaseyNewton ("Casey Newton") wrote:

NEW: Employees who have criticized Elon Musk in Twitter’s Slack channels were fired overnight over email.

“We regret to inform you that your employment is terminated immediately,” they’re being told over email. “Your recent behavior has violated company policy.”

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:

Related: Anybody want an account on my experimental social network, FeoBlog? 😊

Go to https://blog.nfnitloop.com/client/#/login/create-id, create an ID, and send it to me on here.

#SocialNetwork #FeoBlog #Distributed #P2P

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:


@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@drvolts ("David Roberts") wrote:

Your periodic reminder that:

1. Various quirks of the US constitutional system give non-urban voters greater power & representation than urban voters.

2. There is no credible argument that non-urban voters deserve that disproportionate power.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@sarahana ("Sarahana for Assembly") wrote:

As someone who (1) ran as a democratic socialist candidate (2) personally spoke to thousands of voters, including Republicans (3) WON by 20 points, I can tell you that hardly anyone thinks the problem is that the party has moved too far to the left.

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@CityAndStateNY ("City & State NY") wrote:

Jay Jacobs denied that Hochul had a detrimental effect on other candidates and refused to accept blame for both her performance and losses in Congress...

Instead, he placed blame on progressive politicians who have shifted the party too far to the left. https://www.cityandstateny.com/politics/2022/11/hochul-won-her-election-what-cost/379559/

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:

Coworker joked that I wasn't enthusiastic enough in my announcement that a stressful project had finally launched. My response:

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@FaithfullyBP ("Benjamin Perry") wrote:

For the love of God, pundits: Long voting lines aren’t enthusiasm. They’re suppression.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:

How many “red” states are just vote-suppressed states?

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@scalawagmag ("Scalawag") wrote:

In every decade since the federal Voting Rights Act was passed, federal courts have found that Texas lawmakers disenfranchised voters in one way or another when drawing maps. https://scalawagmagazine.org/2021/01/texas-gerrymandering-2021-partner/?utm_campaign=scal-social&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=1667499840

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:

I also dislike #federation for #decentralization. This is why I’m working on (admittedly, slowly) my own decentralized system:

Here’s my own instance:

with quote tweet:

@bascule ("Spooky cohost.org/bascule 👻🎃🦀🌹") replied to a tweet by @bascule:

For Mastodon fans, you can find me here:


Although I gotta say I strongly dislike Mastodon and probably won't use it much.

Federation seems inherently incompatible with content moderation, and the UX is generally awful.

We can do better.

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@CursedGloryHole ("Matt The Outlaw 🤠") wrote:

Lady behind me at The Thing screening last night to her partner "why are they shooting at the dog?" and her partner says very firmly "have you never seen a film before? You watch it and information is revealed"

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@maxberger ("Max Berger") wrote:

When conservatives talk about freedom, they mean the freedom of billionaires to read the private messages of journalists.

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@JackPosobiec ("Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸") wrote:

You know those terms of service you checked when you made your Twitter account?

@ElonMusk now owns the dm’s of every single journalist who’s ever used Twitter

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:

New couch for the patio. It’s cosy. 😊 @ Ramona, California https://www.instagram.com/p/CkR1w2gpy8H/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @SarahJamieLewis:

@SarahJamieLewis Hi! I wrote a decentralized blog (currently) called FeoBlog. I’d love to have more folks try it out! 😊


  1. run your own server.
  2. host your friends
  3. use it as RSS reader
    And user IDs are not tied to 1 server instance.
@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @SarahJamieLewis:

@SarahJamieLewis Hi! I wrote a decentralized blog (currently) called FeoBlog. I’d love to have more folks try it out! 😊


  1. run your own server.
  2. host your friends
  3. use it as RSS reader
    And user IDs are not tied to 1 server instance.
@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@zkat__ ("kat") wrote:

lol of course this jerkoff is celebrating the influx of the Worst People

with quote tweet:

@BrendanEich replied to a tweet by @unusual_whales:

@unusual_whales Looking forward to a lot of good accounts coming back. https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/1523721561873608706

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") wrote:


@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") retweeted:

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:

Ah, was a SoaceX launch. Cool!

@NfNitLoop on Twitter

@NfNitLoop ("Cody C. #BLM") replied to a tweet by @NfNitLoop:

Ah, was a SoaceX launch. Cool!