Twitter Feed: Posts

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@Maryxus ("Maryxus Maddly") retweeted:

@GreatCheshire ("Lady Emily") wrote:

So many posts on here are like “Do not talk to me at all if you like this character. I know right away that you condone toxic behavior and are fine with the normalization of abuse in mainstream society and the silencing of victims” and they include a pic of the character and it’s

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@Maryxus ("Maryxus Maddly") retweeted:

@TRAExecutive ("Trans Revolutionary Anarchist 🔥🏛🏴") wrote:

I dunno what they expected.

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") retweeted:

@LoveLettersBlog ("Love Letters") wrote:

On the Savage Lovecast today @fakedansavage and @MeredithGoldste had a great time taking calls about rediscovering a partner’s sexiness and staying the course on a breakup.

🔊 Subscribe to listen at


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@Acyn wrote:

Goldman: No no no.. let’s not listen to the FBI director. Let’s listen to— sorry what’s your title? Senior writer at Townhall.


Twitter Feed

@steveklabnik wrote:

We did so much right but also got a lot of stuff wrong. Stuff that’s more minor. It’s been fun to learn that in hindsight as time passes

with quote tweet:

@ChShersh ("Dmitrii Kovanikov") wrote:

It's crazy how Rust has a monopoly on how to do things properly in a programming language community.

If you ask about anything, you'll most likely hear

"Just do it like in the Rust community"

Except Trademark Policy. Don't do it like Rust 🙅

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") retweeted:

@nocontextroyco ("no context succession") wrote:

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

This is what we in the business call “uncle magic”

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@colinhacks ("Colin McDonnell") wrote:

it's a good day

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@kennyog retweeted:

@coinspect ("Coinspect Security") wrote:

Our latest blog post unravels the intricate layers of this recent Go Ethereum flaw. From the seed recovery to the implications on security. Dive in, and remember - no code is safe from a weak PRNG! #Ethereum #SNaPAttack #Security

Twitter Feed

@colinhacks ("Colin McDonnell") retweeted:

@jarredsumner ("Jarred Sumner") wrote:

Introducing the Bun Bundler

A fast JavaScript bundler deeply integrated into Bun's runtime

Twitter Feed

@steveklabnik replied to a tweet by @withoutboats:

@withoutboats @micah_cantor @SanjayNadaraja yeah maybe i'm just quibbling semantics over "hobby", like at that point it's not a hobby anymore

Twitter Feed

@withoutboats ("srrrse") replied to a tweet by @steveklabnik:

@steveklabnik @micah_cantor @SanjayNadaraja Rust was once a hobbyist language. The path for a hobbyist language to break through is to convince your employer to fund it.

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") replied to a tweet by @LolOverruled:

Men are amazing I love their spirit

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Twitter Feed

@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

In our first two years in office, President @JoeBiden and I:

Capped the cost of insulin for seniors at $35 a month
Capped the cost of prescription medication at $2,000 a year for our seniors
Passed a law to replace lead pipes throughout America

And we're just getting started.

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@alicegoldfuss ("bletchley punk") retweeted:

@adamkotsko ("Adam Kotsko") wrote:

What's your favorite tech innovation?

Twitter Feed

@colinhacks ("Colin McDonnell") wrote:

Bun's bundler just dropped!

- Super fast
- Integrates with the Bun runtime in some 🤯 ways
- Lays the groundwork for some crazy cool stuff coming down the pike (sneak peak at the bottom of the announcement)

Twitter Feed

@colinhacks ("Colin McDonnell") replied to a tweet by @colinhacks:

Really proud of the API we landed on here. Unambiguous, clean, and minimal (as bundler APIs go, anyway).

I think our bundler docs are a great way to learn how bundlers work more broadly:

Twitter Feed

@withoutboats ("srrrse") replied to a tweet by @withoutboats:

Part of the problem is that most languages that have gained traction in the past 15 years have been tied to a legacy platform (eg JVM or JS) that makes this harder. Only exceptions are Rust and Go. Go should be this, but instead it has null and goto for mysterious reasons

Twitter Feed

@Maryxus ("Maryxus Maddly") retweeted:

@karenkho ("Karen K. Ho") wrote:

It's worth remembering that while the WGA strikes "look fun" they are also filled with working and middle-class people deep in debt, with night terrors about how to pay bills and whether they will have long-term careers

Twitter Feed

@withoutboats ("srrrse") replied to a tweet by @withoutboats:

Rust was not designed to be good at this use case. It was designed for the use case where “it’s IO bound anyway” does not apply to you. The fact that so many people don’t have a better option for this is stunning

Twitter Feed

@BarackObama ("Barack Obama") wrote:

It was great talking to @NateBurleson about our work at the @MBK_Alliance. I'm proud of the hundreds of MBK communities across the country that are identifying barriers and helping young men and boys of color succeed.


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@AnnTelnaes ("Ann Telnaes") retweeted:

@NewYorkCartoons ("Jason Chatfield") wrote:

~ @AnnTelnaes
2023 Herblock Prize & Lecture
Washington DC

"Mike (Ramirez) is an excellent draftsman, a nice guy, and I don't agree with him on just about everything, but I don't feel the need to physically attack him, or demand his employers fire him...

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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") retweeted:

@natcassidy ("Nat Cassidy | PREORDER "NESTLINGS!”") wrote:

Among the greatest promotional photos of all time are these for the 1990 television movie of IT, where it looks like a prestige legal drama about a firm of hot young lawyers and one associate who likes to dress up like a clown.

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@BeeBabylon_ ("Bee Babylon 🌐") wrote:


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@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") retweeted:

@dsa_losangeles ("DSA-LA 🌹") wrote:

UPDATE: We've made a step toward a #GreenNewDeal for @laschools!!!

LAUSD has made the nation's largest single-purchase of electric school buses by a school district. The climate crisis demands more large-scale action like this NOW, and we need you all to keep the pressure on!

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

This looks so good!!!!

with quote tweet:

@JamesGunn ("James Gunn") wrote:

Many of you have been asking me for this photo, so here it is. #GuardiansoftheGalaxyVol3 #GotGVol3

Twitter Feed

@MattBaume ("Matt Baume") wrote:

A delightful fun project for some delightfully good causes:

with quote tweet:

@naytnaytnayt ("Nate Cardin (he/him) 🏳️‍🌈") replied to a tweet by @MattBaume:

@MattBaume @JimmyPeniston Matt! Do you know about all the queer crosswords we made to raise money for charity? You can get them at!

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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") retweeted:

@VP ("Vice President Kamala Harris") wrote:

My mother would say: don’t let people tell you who you are — instead, tell them who you are.

It is my hope that every young AA&NHPI leader holds a sense of pride in knowing that you are representing so many people who came before you.


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@colinhacks ("Colin McDonnell") retweeted:

@jarredsumner ("Jarred Sumner") wrote:

Bun v0.6.0

- New JavaScript Bundler (200x faster than webpack)
- New JavaScript Minifier
- Standalone executables
- Show duration in "bun test" (for each test)
- Faster node:fs writeFile() on Linux
- Many bugfixes