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@AOC ("Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez") retweeted:

@josephzeballos ("Joseph Zeballos-Roig") wrote:

👀 Sen. Angus King, a fiscal hawk, says Biden should consider raising debt limit with 14A.

“I think there's some very strong legal arguments. The 14th amendment is pretty explicit” about president enforcing spending laws

Says it’d be “a good thing” to nuke debt limit forever

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@trixiemattel ("Trixie Mattel™") retweeted:

@nocontextroyco ("no context succession") wrote:

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@AOC ("Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez") retweeted:

@crampell ("Catherine Rampell") wrote:

What’s in this supposedly commonsense bill McCarthy is demanding in exchange for not destroying the global economy?
Here’s my handy guide, for those interested in the substance of the legislation and not just political gamesmanship. 🧵

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@DaveHolmes ("Dave Holmes") wrote:

If you have some li’l stinker opinions and a thin skin, and you haven’t turned that into at least a book deal, you’re too lazy to be taken seriously.

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@steveklabnik wrote:

got 69 SR in my first match of ranked warzone so now i gotta figure out if i want to ever play again or not

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") wrote:

"me reaping, me sowing" meme, fossil fuel industry edition

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@MattBaume ("Matt Baume") wrote:

One of the other organizers of this Pride Night event is Christopher St West, which puts on @lapride. It'll be interesting to see if CSW is still willing to participate, now that The Dodgers have blocked one of the most prominent queer charities in the world from attending.

with quote tweet:

@Dodgers ("Los Angeles Dodgers") wrote:

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@AOC ("Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez") replied to a tweet by @AOC:

We got a preview of this during McCarthy’s disaster of Speaker vote in January. He doesn’t know how many votes he has on what. That’s what makes this “negotiating” rudderless.

How do you deal with someone who cannot deliver passage? Clean bill needs 5. He can’t pass without Dems

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@trixiemattel ("Trixie Mattel™") wrote:

We're only 2 weeks away from the beginning of the time you can stream #TrixieAndKatyaLive directly into your living room! Or your bedroom. I'm not here to judge. Learn more and get your ticket here:

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") wrote:

An honor just to be nominated.

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@AOC ("Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez") wrote:

Here’s the deal: McCarthy has nowhere near the votes for a deal and therefore cannot negotiate debt ceiling.

You need 218 votes. GOP has maybe ~150. They will need anywhere from 50-100 House Dems to pass anything.

Dems have 213 votes for a clean bill & just need to pick up 5.

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

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@AdamFriedland ("Adam Friedland") wrote:

The Adam Friedland Show - Neil deGrasse Tyson is out now

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") retweeted:

@stevesilberman ("Steve Silberman") wrote:

Exactly this.

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@trixiemattel ("Trixie Mattel™") wrote:

You say tomato I say tomatoe. New episode of UNHhhh!


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@bcantrill ("Bryan Cantrill") retweeted:

@ahl ("Adam Leventhal") wrote:

The Ahmadi family has endured an unimaginable loss. Please consider donating to the fundraiser linked in the article:

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") retweeted:

@RMCunliffe ("Rachel Cunliffe") wrote:

Apropos of, well, everything, I am sick of the idea that only conservatives/the right value "community".

Community is everywhere! In big cities and small villages, in churches and football teams and knitting circles and kink clubs and parents associations and volunteer groups

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@TracketPacer replied to a tweet by @TracketPacer:

i feel like this comes off as sarcastic so i just want 2 clarify,, this is 100% genuine i can’t wait to Break The Thing

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@TracketPacer wrote:

ah, yes. my favorite part of any job: Push It To Its Limits, AKA Try To Break The Thing

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@buildsghost ("Hot Jamie Kyle 🏳️‍🌈") wrote:

I wouldn't choose it today, but when Redux first came out, the docs were a great case study in explaining internals, architecture, and usage of a library at the same time in a way that complements each other. Sadly those docs are gone and the new stuff isn't as effective

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@ewarren ("Elizabeth Warren") wrote:

Tax filing should be free—not an opportunity for giant corporations to make big bucks. That’s why I’ve been in this fight for years. And when we stay in the fight, we make progress.

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@attackerman ("") retweeted:

@micahuetricht ("Micah Uetricht") wrote:

One of those political cartoons that's supposed to scare you but is actually depicting something cool and good

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@DaveHolmes ("Dave Holmes") wrote:

A long time ago, I saw there was a MeetUp for Biohackers, and I thought: huh, maybe that’ll be interesting. So I went, and it was a handful of people and nobody was really talking until one guy said “I take cold showers” and a few people nodded and that was kind of it.

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@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") retweeted:

@detroitdsa ("Detroit DSA 🌹") wrote:

Will Michigan be the next state to win a Green New Deal?👀👀👀

Join us to help make it happen🌹

with quote tweet:

@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") wrote:

Four years ago, DSA members started a longshot climate campaign in New York.

This month, they passed the biggest #GreenNewDeal program in US history.

That's the kind of power socialist organizing can build. On Sunday, learn how you can build it too.


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@rantasmo retweeted:

@_pem_pem ("p.e. moskowitz") replied to a tweet by @_pem_pem:

calling yourself a Thought Criminal is a great way to make "no one listens to all the boring shit i have to say anymore" sound more exciting

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@MattBaume ("Matt Baume") replied to a tweet by @MattBaume:

This episode, which is about a friend coming to visit and revealing a surprising queer detail about themselves, was written by Jeffrey Duteil ... who also happened to write the episode of The Golden Girls where Dorothy's lesbian friend Jean comes to visit. He does good work!

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@MattBaume ("Matt Baume") replied to a tweet by @MattBaume:

It's a fun episode (my favorite part is how Ru's so tall the camera has to widen out until you can see the top of the set). And there's one more neat little detail, hidden in the credits ...

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I thought I had at least 20 more years to pretend like this wasn’t happening, what the hell man

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@SDonziger ("Steven Donziger") wrote:

BREAKING: New report says the Earth is likely to cross the 1.5C climate threshold by 2027 - far sooner than had been thought. We are speeding toward complete environmental catastrophe.

Stunning how little the world's major powers are doing to stop this.

Twitter Feed

@MattBaume ("Matt Baume") wrote:

While we're on the topic of RuPaul's house today, it's a good time to remember the time in the 90s that Ru appeared on the show In The House to teach LL Cool J what drag is:


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@ArchDigest ("Architectural Digest") replied to a tweet by @ArchDigest:

@RuPaul .@RuPaul's Beverly Hills manse is definitely making love to the camera ✨

See the full tour of Ru's home here 👉


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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

Imagine being the PR guy for Papa John

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@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

I’m the guy who stepped up

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@rerorerobert ("Robert") replied to a tweet by @hasanthehun:

@hasanthehun @LolOverruled Wait, lolo is a tiktok guy? I thought he’s a twitter guy