Twitter Feed: Posts

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@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

For two years, President @JoeBiden and I have fought to uphold and protect the fundamental freedoms of the American people.

We have stood together defending freedom and democracy, civil rights, human rights, and women's rights.

And now, we need to finish the job.

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

When I think Twitter I think long form video content

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@Dexerto wrote:

Twitter Blue subscribers can now upload 2 hour long videos

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

This is about to be a BIG weekend for you content piggies

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@steveklabnik retweeted:

@tomwald ("Tom Wald") replied to a tweet by @tomwald:

I love seeing the many people who speak up on Twitter against urban sprawl roadway expansions and for walk/bike/transit. Our decision-makers at Travis County have simply not heard from you.

Direct comment link here (closes Sun 5/21):

Twitter Feed

@AOC ("Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez") retweeted:

@SenFettermanPA ("Senator John Fetterman") wrote:

President Biden needs to consider using the 14th Amendment if necessary.

Twitter Feed

@LolOverruled ("Lolo") wrote:

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@SonyaShaykhoun ("Sonya Shaykhoun, Esq.") wrote:

Yesterday I was coming back from tennis in Riverside Park and came upon this ad hoc unlicensed food stand. They were calling out to people to buy from them and I asked them, “where’s your permit” cuz we all know the permit has to be displayed. Well, the woman in blue got…

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@fakedansavage ("Dan Savage") retweeted:

@wcruz73 ("Wilson Cruz") wrote:

Cancel the whole fucking night, @lapride. It’s ALL f us or NONE of us. The @dodgers need US a helluva lot more than we could ever need them. If they can’t see what the right side of history is, that’s on them. They can truly go FUCK themselves. I’m embarrassed for them.

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@Dodgers ("Los Angeles Dodgers") wrote:

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@trixiemattel ("Trixie Mattel™") retweeted:

@theknocks ("The Knocks") wrote:

Why is everyone saying serving cunt

Twitter Feed

@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") wrote:

It's good to win and good to celebrate but join us May 21, 8pm ET to talk about how we can move forward:

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@DemSocialists ("DSA 🌹") wrote:

Four years ago, DSA members started a longshot climate campaign in New York.

This month, they passed the biggest #GreenNewDeal program in US history.

That's the kind of power socialist organizing can build. On Sunday, learn how you can build it too.


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@erichdongubler ("Erich Gubler") retweeted:

@xkcd ("Randall Munroe") wrote:

Noise Filter

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@erichdongubler ("Erich Gubler") retweeted:

@danidonovan ("Dani Donovan ✍️ ADHD Comics") wrote:

i mean, who would’ve guessed that a “gifted” kid who’s showered in praise for their academic accomplishments would


grow into an adult who feels constant pressure to out-perform their peers

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@meakoopa ("Anthony Oliveira") retweeted:

@MemeIndustrial ("The Meme-Industrial Complex") wrote:

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@SDonziger ("Steven Donziger") wrote:

BREAKING: New report says the Earth is likely to cross the 1.5C climate threshold by 2027 - far sooner than had been thought. We are speeding toward complete environmental catastrophe.

Stunning how little the world's major powers are doing to stop this.

Twitter Feed

@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@girlsreallyrule ("Amee Vanderpool") wrote:

This opening statement from Rep. @StaceyPlaskett is pretty much the only part of today's nonsensical Jim Jordan hearing that you need to listen to. The rest is just paid witness propaganda from Donald Trump.


Twitter Feed

@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@ALT_uscis ("ALT-immigration") wrote:

OMG. This just happened today.
A white legislator in the North Carolina House @mcneely_jeff interrupted his Black colleague @repabejones to ask if he would have been able to attend Harvard law if he weren’t Black and a black athlete. Rep abe jones responded masterfully


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@theserfstv ("The Serfs") wrote:

Odd how the people who spend all day profiting off slandering LGBTQ+ people as groomers turn out to be groomers themselves

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@RightWingWatch ("Right Wing Watch") wrote:

Misogynistic Christian fascist incel Nick Fuentes says that once he turns 30, he'll probably find himself a 16-year-old child bride: "Right when the milk is good, I want to start drinking the milk."


Twitter Feed

@deno_land ("Deno") wrote:

.@WindmillDev (YC S22), a platform for building enterprise workflows from scripts, chose Deno for its:
⚡️ minimal cold start times
🔒 ability to securely run untrusted code
🪄 ease in creating and sharing self-contained scripts

Twitter Feed

@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@QasimRashid ("Qasim Rashid, Esq.") wrote:

I cannot fathom why @JamaalBowmanNY would think MT Greene is a white supremacist? Can't think of a single reason at all.🤔

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@atrupar ("Aaron Rupar") wrote:

Marjorie Taylor Greene says that when people like Jamaal Bowman call her a white supremacist it's "like calling a person a color the n-word"

"His physical mannerisms are aggressive ... I feel threatened by him," Greene adds of Bowman


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@ShannonFreshour ("Shannon in Ohio 4") wrote:

Option B, and hear me out, would have been to do their jobs.. not threaten national security..

Option C, gotten another job.. McDonald's is hiring everywhere

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@atrupar ("Aaron Rupar") wrote:

REPORTER: Today's hearing is about how the FBI is politicized, but do you think it's appropriate for some of these whistleblowers to be paid by one of Trump's former advisers?

JIM JORDAN: They got a family! How are they supposed to feed their family?


Twitter Feed

@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@justinbaragona ("Justin Baragona") wrote:

Jim Jordan isn't happy when Dan Goldman confronts him about rules during the "weaponization of the FBI" hearing.

Jordan: "We have the whistleblower testimony. He does not wish it to be made available to the Democrats at this time."

Goldman: "He doesn’t make committee rules!"


Twitter Feed

@SethMacFarlane ("Seth MacFarlane") wrote:

Thanks to my sister Rachael for pointing out that Friendly’s has a sundae that looks like our dad.

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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@bluegal ("Frances Langum") wrote:

Every criminal's wish...

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@atrupar ("Aaron Rupar") wrote:

Laura Ingraham during interview with Jim Jordan calls for Trump to dismantle the FBI


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@AlanTudyk ("alan tudyk") retweeted:

@mehdirhasan ("Mehdi Hasan") wrote:

Woman accused of white supremacy denies the charge by minimizing the horror of the N word and then accusing a Black man of coming across as ‘aggressive’ and needing an eye kept on him. Gotcha.

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@atrupar ("Aaron Rupar") wrote:

Marjorie Taylor Greene says that when people like Jamaal Bowman call her a white supremacist it's "like calling a person a color the n-word"

"His physical mannerisms are aggressive ... I feel threatened by him," Greene adds of Bowman


Twitter Feed

@MattBaume ("Matt Baume") wrote:

Seattles! I'm coming to you in one week! May 25 at @ElliottBayBooks -- we'll have a reading & talk, book signing, Q&A, and I'll be showing you some of my favorite gay jokes from sitcoms across the decades!

Twitter Feed

@steveklabnik retweeted:

@BirdRespecter ("Dr. Marvin Tingle") wrote:

The idea that homeless people could otherwise afford electronics the rest of us take for granted shouldn’t make you mad at them. It should make you concerned that someone who’s likely employed is living on the streets and ask why that is

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@44vibeTV ("44vibe News") wrote:

#WILD: Homeless man seen with projector, laptop, and sound system in his tent in Hollywood

Twitter Feed

@steveklabnik wrote:

Texas continues to be the largest nanny state I have ever lived in. All the talk is 100% the opposite of the action.

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@buildsghost ("Hot Jamie Kyle 🏳️‍🌈") retweeted:

@MarkHarrisNYC ("Mark Harris") wrote:

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was founded in 1979. One was on Newsweek's first AIDS cover. They were major activists in the 1st years of the crisis. They are sewn into the AIDS quilt. This is a pathetic capitulation to bigotry and an insult to their long fight against it.

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@Dodgers ("Los Angeles Dodgers") wrote:

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@zilmer ("Priidu Zilmer") wrote:

Chatis küsiti, et miks sõjaväekopterid linna kohal. Ei osanud muud pakkuda kui et äkki on Postimehes tutipidu.

Twitter Feed

@TracketPacer wrote:

idk what company posted the req this person is talking abt, but my company also has this in our job postings… just sayin 😊

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@charles_jensen ("Whatever Happened to Mayby Jane?") wrote:

I want to celebrate what I just read in a job posting:

"Not sure you meet all qualifications? Let us decide! Research shows that women and members of other under-represented groups tend to not apply to jobs when they think they may not meet every qualification, when, (1/2)

Twitter Feed

@KamalaHarris ("Kamala Harris") wrote:

My mother would often say “Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, make sure you are not the last.”

I know I won’t be the last.


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@AnnTelnaes ("Ann Telnaes") retweeted:

@PostOpinions ("Washington Post Opinions") wrote:

The latest from @anntelnaes: What’s next after restricting access to mifepristone?