Hey, I'm Chris and I'm hard to distinguish from a good programmer.
Reblogged by Lyrilith@mastodon.art:
Rhien@mastodon.art wrote:
Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Charles Stanhope"):
jonny@social.coop wrote:
cstanhope@social.coop ("Charles Stanhope") wrote:
Documentation for complex tooling that is mostly ad copy, quick start guides, and some man pages all of which is mainly intended to be part of the funnel to get you to sign up and hopefully pay for services.
I mean, I get it, but your docs could still be better and have some theory of operation, architectural information, and some example use cases, right?
Reblogged by technomancy@icosahedron.website ("tech? no! man, see..."):
riotmuffin@kolektiva.social ("#RiotsWork #ÇaVaPéter") wrote:
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
I agree!
Just chilling.. Listening to the strange, dark and mysterious stories of MrBallen on YouTube and doodling. Why do I draw cute cat girls when hearing creepy true crime stories? 🙃
When I drew the DTIYS of Memo I was listening to his "Missing 411" playlist. :D So if you like spooky stories taking place in national parks and forests, but not necessarily true crime, check those videos out. 👍#MastoArt #sketchbook #sketch #doodle #markers #catgirl #kawaii #anime #chibi
Reblogged by Lyrilith@mastodon.art:
obuza_ba@mastodon.art ("undead one") wrote:
cstanhope@social.coop ("Charles Stanhope") wrote:
When I read stories like this one about pollution from vehicle tires, I often wonder how long before we start to require something like an FDA approval for all products we create (and their proprietary chemistries). We live in a closed system. Make enough of something, and it all comes back to haunt us if it doesn't degrade or isn't recycled efficiently. In other words, it wasn't intended to be food or medicine, but it's in you anyway.