Mastodon Feed: Posts

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("kevin humdrum") wrote:

I re-wrote my post from earlier about silence to be the first op-ed on foofaraw as a sort of declaration to publish diverse voices on diverse topics

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Jason :neobread_this_is_fine:") wrote:

We get through this together, friends. That includes fighting FOR each other and, as importantly, WITH each other when it warrants it. Tough talks are such for a reason. If someone learns from it, great. If not, they’ve made a choice.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"):

hotdogsladies ("Merlin Mann") wrote:

I think I might want to know everything about Rebeck.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Jason Rehmus 🇺🇸") wrote:

All change, even good change, feels like an attack.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Nick Simson") wrote:


Mastodon Feed

isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:") wrote:

Fuck #Democrats.

One of the best rants from Kyle:

I know the common sentiment is that a third party in US has no chance, but by now there's just no other option. Democrats are done.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:"): ("𝓻𝓻𝓪") wrote:

In light of US tech oligarchy setting its sights on Wikimedia Foundation, a historical detail I did not know before: #Wikipedia became the non-profit it is today partly as the result of a labour strike of Spanish Wikipedia editors who disagreed with the proposed inclusion of advertisements. Initially, it was not clear what revenue model Wikipedia would get, and Wales moved towards a for-profit model already a year after launch. However, rather than working for free, so Jimmy Wales could profit from their labour via advertising, Spanish contributors forked Spanish Wikipedia as the Encyclopedia Libre Universal. Under the threat of losing the editorial community of such a large language, Wales conceded and set up the non-profit.

That is to say, however imperfect they are, all the digital commons we have are the result of ongoing struggle and hard work to keep them as commons.

Via Las Redes Son Nuestras ( by @teclista

Update with more info:

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Keenan") wrote:

I know a lot of you are asking me to apologize for my recent actions, but as a matter of principle, I refuse.

Mastodon Feed ("Alex Russell") wrote:

The energy expended to make this video to rubbish a misleading presentation of data is my jam (if, you know, you're trying to figure out what to get me as a present):

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("weird herm") wrote:

“Crafting the Future (CTF) provides emerging, mid-career, and established artists of color with funding that will plant their roots in the craft community and propel their careers.”

“We are accepting applications from BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People Of Color)-identifying artists. This application opens on Wednesday January 15, 2025 and closes after March 15, 2025 at 11:59pm PST.”

Boosts welcome! I am not affiliated with them, but wanted to share. US-based so I assume you have to be in the US.

#grants #grantopportunities #BlackArtists #BlackArt #BiPoCArt #BiPoCArtists #IndigenousArtists #IndigenousArt

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Dan Wineman") wrote:

@davidcelis @adam Though the context was race and not gender identity, MLK’s words in “Letter from Birmingham Jail” seem very applicable here. Last summer it became clear to me that Manton cared deeply about order and not at all about justice.

“Nice” people will be the death of us all.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by jwz:

jwz wrote:

@FediThing @bobthcowboy @marcusb @egerlach @neurobashing

I often think of this quote from Alan Moore's Swamp Thing:

"Once we were very different - our psyches constantly at war - so we struck a bargain, a spiritual compromise. We would grow more like each other, there would be a balance. But a bargain with a demon is no bargain at all. Demons cheat. It is their nature. Oh yes, I have grown more like Etrigan. And he... he too has grown more like Etrigan."


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:"):

isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:") wrote:

@arstechnica dear Arstechnica, a note from a long time paying reader here: writing "appeared to make a nazi salute" is cowardly and dishonest. He did make a nazi salute, there was nothing "appearing" in it. Please have a dignity to call things what they are, we can't afford to stay neutral, avert our eyes and hide behind ambiguous language anymore.

Mastodon Feed ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:

The creationists finally appreciate Dawkins & Coyne…for all the wrong reasons.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Chris Pederick") wrote:

@adam Finally, as people understandably get frustrated by their either ignorance or disingenuousness, they criticize your tone and act all high and mighty about how they were just trying to have a civil conversation.

It's trolling 101, unsurprising coming from a friend of Manton, and you shouldn't fall for or feed it.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Chris Pederick") wrote:

@adam Yesterday we saw Manton use the standard conservative media playbook and today we see Daniel use the standard troll playbook.

First, they act faux-friendly and say that they are just trying to understand and learn. Of course, they don't want to go to the effort of actually doing that themselves so they ask others to do it for them.

Then, they gaslight the people who tried to help them understand by saying that they still don't really see a problem.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

damn, what a mess


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by jwz:

violetblue ("Violet Blue") wrote:

Great news! The #Covid Safety Handbook audiobook is now available at:

Google Play:

Find indie options and more here:

#LongCovid #audio #indieauthor #writing


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Ben") wrote:

For the #makergiftexchange last week with friends, I made a POV clock. Using one RGB LED and a seven segment display, it draws up to 21 characters and a full circle of 180 virtual pixels on a spinning circular PCB. Loosely inspired by Bob Blick's "Propeller Clock."

The #makergiftexchange is fantastic. I love seeing what they all come up with, and with all the fun of a white elephant. It was a fantastic excuse to learn some stuff and make a thing a friend will enjoy.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Alex Russell"): ("Third spruce tree on the left") wrote:

YOU should have a website. EVERYONE should have a website.

Also "HTML For People" is fantastic.

#smolweb #selfhosted #indieweb

edit: whups, shout out to @nora

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Russ Sharek") wrote:

Today I'm reminded of one of the first nonessential creative objects I threw together in #ThisOldClownHouse

There was a cheap clock on the wall with a pushy religious phrase.

I tore it apart. I destroyed it. Broke it. Remade it. It isn't even a clock anymore.

It now has a glyphtic phrase in #tokipona on it:

'Ijo wan lon tenpo wan'

(One thing in one time)

The word lon also means present, here, and truth.

An arrow points directly at it, as if to say, "You're not too late, it's still now."


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Mike Hendley") wrote:

Slow and steady wins the art race! This snail sketch was created using a 0.7 mm Leuchtturm pencil loaded with 4B lead, focusing on its shell’s texture and bumpy body. Did you know snails can sleep for up to three years? 🐌


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by jwz: wrote:

@egerlach @neurobashing @jwz No...There's no reliable interop here. Bluesky controls almost the entire ecosystem. The instant they decide they don't want to interop, they'll change one or more of the things they control to turn it off, even if you think some current or future aspect of AT-proto makes that impossible. (It does not.) The plan here is to build something that can only work if you trust Bluesky, for the threat model where you don't trust Bluesky. This plan is that dumb.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Doug Wilson") wrote:

"This is the strength of federated, federatable social media — it disciplines enshittifiers by lowering switching costs, and if enshittifiers persist, it makes it easy for users to escape unshitted, because they don’t have to solve the collective action problem. Any user can go to any server at any time and stay in touch with everyone else."

#SocialMedia #Bluesky #Mastodon #Fediverse #Enshittification #Facebook #Instagram #Twitter #Capitalism #VentureCapital #Constraint

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"):

brendonbigley ("brendon bigley") wrote:

the only reasons to be coy about what you stand for are that you're motivated by profit or know deep down that you're wrong. good on @adam for being so vocal about this. as someone who recommended these folks' platforms in the past, i will absolutely stop doing that going forward:

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by kornel ("Kornel"): ("Lisa") wrote:

This is where you charge your cats.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Seth is a Perpetual Startup ⁂") wrote:

Honestly if you search for skeletons you're going to find them. Sometimes you don't have to look that far. Geezus. Now Micro.Blog is having a controversy moment.

I just have to take a beat and say... FUCK!

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

"I prefer to meet people where they are" says reasonable-sounding white dude holding court at a table in the back of a Nazi Bar, redux.

There are people out there apparently seriously proposing to spend over thirty million dollars, and an uncountable...


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by NfNitLoop ("Cody Casterline 🏳️‍🌈"): ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

To all of the people who tried to tell me that it’s not a Nazi salute.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by jwz: ("crows call me breadlady") wrote:

“rebuilding the web we lost”
“back when facebook was good”

ugh. ugh! begone, foul nostalgia! facebook was never good, it was only ever at best *useful* despite massive social and material costs. the web, from bgp to dns, must be rebuilt for how wretched and covetous their realities are. imagine further, to genuine boons! there is no need to valorize the scraps of profiteers, *cory*