Mastodon Feed: Posts

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): wrote:

A bare bones website is up for the 2025 Typographics Festival and blind bird tickets are available now until Feb 28.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Neato") wrote:

“Have you finished Neato yet?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?!”

Mastodon Feed ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:

Only a tiny minority of biologists think human sex is binary, and they're all neo-liberal propagandists.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Dave Fischer") wrote:

Love this diagram from Thornton's book on the CDC-6600:

#RetroComputing #Cray #EE


Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

And they called *me* performative.

@manton, I respect you more than you think. But you botched this, no matter how many cishet white guys on tell you that you’re great. During the first week of Trump’s 2nd term, questions were raised, and you didn’t answer them. You updated a policy, removed a name from your website, and made a donation to an organization. Fine. But you still haven’t declared yourself an ally.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"): ("Molly White") wrote:

The TikTok ban, the Musk Twitter takeover, the Facebook moderation policy changes, the Republicans’ rapidly intensifying crackdowns on speech... let these be the proof you needed to move anything you care about online to a space you control.

Digital sovereignty is more important than ever.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by fromjason (" ❤️ 💻"):

Some_Emo_Chick ("Frankie ✅") wrote: is now a WordPress app with free plugins

#news #politics #uspol #uspolitics #GOPCult #trump #ethics #corruption


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): wrote:

@adam Unrelated but relevant:

"The question now is not a million miles away. Who will support? Who will collaborate? Who will decide that they are “not political” and look away as millions of people are harmed? Who will make excuses for it all? Who secretly welcomes the push for theocracy, for in-groups and out-groups, for “traditional” values that prioritize rigid gender roles, segregation, and oligarchy? Who, in other words, is safe?”

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Dave 💖") wrote:

A NOTE FOR THOSE CLOSING MB ACCOUNTS - If you hit “cancel” to be sure you don’t pay more, it will cut your ability to post immediately, even if you have months of paid time remaining This is unlike every other paid service.

Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

This is what’s wrong with everyone making the “attacked by a woke mob led by a bully” argument. They’re not recognizing the underlying problem; they’re too busy *defending* the problem.

I’ve never seen Jason make a clear, personal statement of support for queer people. I’ve seen him disparage one behind her back, and I’ve seen him (just now) declare that he’s not a transphobe. But I’ve never seen any actual support.

It‘s so much easier to engage in name-calling than it is to become an ally.

Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

Torches and pitchforks, Jason Kratz? Really?

You conveniently left out the part about why *you* were labeled a transphobe. It was because you brought your own torch and pitchfork to Ritter’s aid after he cried about being “cancelled” following his mishandling of someone’s decision to leave Scribbles. You knew a trans person was hurt, and you piled on anyway.

But I totally get it. When *you* do it, it’s fine. But when I call for accountability, it’s bullying. Right.

Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

Regarding “defensive deflection”, I want to be fair and acknowledge that when I made my critical post on Tuesday, I was *hot*. It’s plainly reflected in the acerbic tone of the post.

It’s a bit rich of me to wrap my point in razorwire and then complain when people felt cut. There are important issues to discuss, but I also see how my frustration and passion caused the very defensiveness that I criticize.

I’m not perfect, in case you hadn’t noticed. 😅

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

our friend Oscar is getting weak, wants to play and then tries to change direction too rapidly and almost falls over. I miss hearing him thumping up and down the stairs, heavy-footed.


Mastodon Feed ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:

For Ben Shapiro, facts are things you make up to serve your ideological point.

Mastodon Feed

Gargron ("Eugen Rochko") wrote:

One of those self-portraits.

📷 Pentax KX
🎞️ Ilford HP5+ @ 1600
🔭 Pentax M 50mm/1.7
⚗️ Spieker Film Lab

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #BlackAndWhitePhotography #BlackAndWhite #MonochromePhotography #35mm


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Luca Fabbri"): ("Metin Seven 🎨") wrote:

Anton Gudim.

#cartoon #comic #comics #satire #iphone #mobile #android #phone #humor #humour #fun #funny #LOL


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): wrote:

Billions of years of evolution and thousands of years of culture and civilization just so I can wake up this morning and think "why did they call it 'The Flying Nun' and not 'Nun Of The Above'"

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

phew, today is the last day for our dear Oscar the Housepanther. we can get him to take some babyfood from the tip of a finger, but that is it at this point. he played snakekiller with a string this morning, but toppled over when he changed direction too fast.

a Vet is coming to the house to OD our friend, so the pain stops too. Oscar is resting on the bed on my robe, basking in the weak Winter sun. cancer suxs.

Whiskers twitch slowly,
Sunbeam warms the fading fur,
Paws rest, dreams anew.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Jeff Sonstein"):

ricmac ("Richard MacManus") wrote:

1/ OpenAI’s new Operator agent is a “research preview of an agent that can use its own browser to perform tasks for you.” This was the logical next step in “AI agents” technology, and it prob will be useful for tasks like shopping, or researching something. Initially, I was concerned about AI becoming “the primary user of the web now,” as one AI newsletter posited. But on reflection it seems more suited to task-oriented web browsing, & there are many other aspects of the web that are not that.

Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

I want to see the space in which he contributes—our open and social web—be one of inclusivity and acceptance. I hope he can understand how both the things he says and the platforms that he uses affect others and take away from that goal.

I hope others will join Vincent in actually discussing these issues, not just shouting “you’re wrong” and lamenting “the woke mob”. People are hurting now more than ever. We need dialogue, not deflection.


Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

Regardless of your opinions on what he said, at least he said something. I didn’t think that he would be the first (or even only) person on “the other side” to engage in this discussion in good faith, but he was, and I respect that.

I follow (not stalk, lol) Vincent because he’s a smart and talented guy who does good work. I don’t share his beliefs, and I find his alignment with X to be extremely problematic, but...


Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

I read Vincent Ritter’s post this morning ( and while I don’t agree with everything there, I want to give him credit for being the first person affiliated with to actually engage in this discussion in a productive way. He actually wrote about real issues—real concerns—which is more than I can say about others who showed up this week to comment on *my* posts not with substantive perspectives but with defensive deflection.


Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

@amoroso In a similar spirit is "Ideas that Created the Future":

The author chose a cutoff date of 1980 for the list. The table of contents are available online, which should be enough to track down papers for people who can't access the book.

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

I was imagining this as a Mel Brooks film, but apparently somebody already wrote a book with that title.

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

"Father of the Bride of Frankenstein"

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Paolo Amoroso") wrote:

Matheus Lima put together his list of the 7 most influential papers in computer science history, plus 5 more that almost made the cut:

"Before we begin, let me be clear: yes, this is a subjective list. It’s not meant to end the debate — but to start it."

#ComputerScience #retrocomputing

Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

Oh. This explains *everything*.

My god. I can’t even.


Mastodon Feed ("Adam Newbold") wrote:

“To be accountable is to care for the well-being of the whole and act as if this well-being is in our hands and hearts to create.” — Peter Block

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

I get that part of the whole shtick of pro wrestling is to cosplay as redneck dirtbags, but when I hear the National Anthem in my club in 2025.... I'm pretty sure that's straight-up hate speech.

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Dan Dean") wrote:

Ok, yeah, the verdict is in. He's a "progressive" against "woke-ism". So glad I deleted that account. Big "I'm not a bigot, but..." vibes.

This person has no business leading a community which includes marginalized people.
