jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
Goals reach for the sky,
Steps taken, one by one,
Shining bright, we soar.courtesy Storyteller at
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
Goals reach for the sky,
Steps taken, one by one,
Shining bright, we soar.courtesy Storyteller at
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
@neurovagrant could you check https://arghstudios.com and tell me if it is loading okay for you? thank you
Boosted by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
augieray ("Augie Ray") wrote:
“At the end of the day, trans people are less than 1% of the population and trans people are not the reason you can’t afford eggs, that you can’t afford healthcare. We’re not the reason you can’t buy a house or your rent’s too high. I think they’re focused on the wrong 1%. I think the other one percent is the reason for all those things.”
- Trans actor Laverne Cox
Ironically, the only news source where I could find her quote was FOX News!
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
@sbourne could you do me a favor and check to see if you can get to https://arghstudios.com okay??
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
we promise we will not give away or sell or in any other way allow access to your email address. we promise to legally oppose any court order to access our data or systems.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
we do not track your requests for story ideas, nor the responses you get back.
we do not retain *any* information about you other than an email contact address, a user name, and an encrypted pasword.
we do not charge to use this service. we think we can make this pay for itself as "Donationware", and are in the process of setting that up.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
Storyteller is ready to go fully public, after a solid year of work. most excellent! the functionality is all there; it just needs a little webpage & email-body text cleanup.
the user account self management system is now now fully operational, & you can:
2FA create account
2FA change password
2FA recover from lost password
2FA change email
2FA deactivate accountwe would rather make a million kids smile than make a million buxs, so Storyteller is free to use
Boosted by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
SrRochardBunson@universeodon.com ("Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson") wrote:
VIVE LA RESISTANCE! #10 Special ZEITGEIST 2020s by PseudoNovalis
Would you be interested in a free pdf to print as you wish?
#ResInt #Antifascist #Zine #AntifaAF #ArtFED #ViveLaResistance #trump #hitler
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
successfully added and tested LOSTPASS functionality RAH! just DEACTIVATE is left. it is good to make some visible progress.
user account self management subsystem functionality now fully operational:
- 2FA create account
- 2FA change password
- 2FA recover from lost password
- 2FA change email
adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold") wrote:
This was the first digital photo I ever took, dated March 28, 1999. At 640x480 resolution, the duck is just a handful of pixels. Not a great photo! Just a duck in the Ohio River.
I’d love to see your first digital photo, too! #firstphoto #photography
Boosted by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
nullagent@partyon.xyz wrote:
Major privacy alert for Android users.
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
successfully added UPDATEMAIL functionality, next up: UPDATEPASS, LOSTPASS, DEACTIVATE account.
set up an account and try out Storyteller… it is free to use, & I hope to keep it that way.
Boosted by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
xankarn@mastodon.online ("Alexander Karn") wrote:
Artist/illustrator: Matias De Brasi
Boosted by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
herereadthis.blog@herereadthis.blog ("Here, Read This") wrote:
As Trump and Musk Upend Washington, Congressional Phones Can’t Keep Up – The New York Times
«Americans dialing their members of Congress for basic services are going straight to voice mail. Interns and young aides can’t answer the phones quickly enough. And a system that usually handles a few dozen calls per minute is straining to keep up with more than 1,500.»
Speak your heart; don’t follow the script. Use the script as inspiration, in case you’re terrified (and that’s ok, too, I think it means something that you call in spite of fear). Be polite and concise; they have a lot of calls to go through. I strongly suspect they’re just ticking check boxes in order to give their bosses a reading on the temperature, so nuance is lost. But that’s ok. (Happy to be corrected by any actual aides/interns.)
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
thinking about our friend Oscar a lot today. he died a couple of weeks ago, and there is a hole in my heart.
Boosted by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
annie@social.lol wrote:
When things are bad, as they so very often are, I like to crawl into a little hole and stay there, curled up. I want to withdraw. Nurse my wounds,… | https://anniemueller.com/posts/im-gonna-keep-making-shit-and-i-hope-you-will-too
Boosted by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
tjw@social.lol ("Timothy Wood") wrote:
Some days my most meaningful interaction as a large cis het white guy start with walking though a grocery store with my “Protect Trans Kids” shirt and an employee or patron saying “thank you, I have a trans kid and…”
Use your privilege to elevate folks y’all.
Boosted by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
koen@social.lol ("Koen") wrote:
I made a LinkedIn post last week, I hated doing that.
After looking at the general LinkedIn post, they all kinda look the same. I suspect this is because every corporate motherfucker is trying to please the algorithm on there, and thus converge on 'eenheidsworst'(uniformity).
I never could put words on it, but this is exactly why I disliked big tech's media so much. I was done with trying to please the algorithm.
It also explains why I like the fediverse more. I can just be myself here.
Boosted by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
losttourist@social.chatty.monster ("Flippin' 'eck, Tucker!") wrote:
@timmy Cringissimo deserves to cross straight back from Italian into English.
Boosted by jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein"):
StillIRise1963@mastodon.world wrote:
“'The food stuck in Houston totaled more than 31,000 tons and was part of more than 500,000 tons of food valued at $450 million now at risk of going to waste,' writes the Chronicle’s James Osborne. USAID food shipments are also being held up in Boston, New York, and Miami, as well as four other ports.”
jsonstein@masto.deoan.org ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:
“The leaders of Meta, Amazon, JP Morgan, Google, OpenAI and a long list of other corporate titans seem to be making it clear that if protecting their profits means appeasing a corrupt autocratic regime, then that is what they will do.”
Boosted by andreu@andreubotella.com ("Andreu Botella :verified_enby:"):
mia@front-end.social ("Mia (web luddite)") wrote:
Yesterday a reporter asked me what I would say to someone who opposes public arts funding because a field that is maintained through subsidies clearly lacks a business model.
I said a business model is not something I consider valuable. It's not a metric I care about. I don't think markets are a measure of what's good.
I guess I feel similarly about gen AI and Tailwind? It's hard to discuss their utility, when we seem to disagree about what the goals are.
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
Help! I don't know what to do!
pzmyers@octodon.social ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:
Your nose is in the middle of your face, therefore God.
slightlyoff@toot.cafe ("Alex Russell") wrote:
You don't owe systems the benefit of the doubt, or deference to their intent. They are systems. They are only what they do.
Boosted by jwz:
violetblue ("Violet Blue") wrote:
New by me: In which the United States has been compromised by a domestic adversary and faces a future where no Five Eyes nation with an ounce of self-preservation will trust it as an intelligence partner.
Boosted by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
adhdeanasl@beige.party ("ADHDean") wrote:
Mastodon users aren’t like people on other social media. It’s the only place where a retired librarian will be like “here’s a link to my moss collection and oh, by the way, here’s the website of a local artisan who makes knives sharp enough to cut any nazi throat.”
Boosted by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
gabz@social.lol ("gabz :verified_pill_bottle2:") wrote:
Never enough Pokemon
Boosted by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
mbjones@social.lol ("Brandon") wrote:
🖊️ I just posted a new article to krrd.ing! Check it out to get to know @claudia!
Claudia - omg.lol Interview Series https://krrd.ing/posts/claudia-omglol-interview-4/
Boosted by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
mitten@social.lol wrote:
Both my talk proposal and poster proposal for #PyCon2025 have been accepted.
Now there's a nice birthday present, eh?