Mastodon Feed: Posts

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("halcy​:icosahedron:") wrote:

Updated the post, here is, as it were, the money shot.

You can see that the frequency on the EU side goes low and then rises while the one on Baltic side goes high and then falls right before sync - I wonder if that was intentional! But in any case, you can very clearly see the point where they sync! so this experiment was as far as I am concerned a full success! #BalticSynchro

A plot showing, above, my measurements and data from, and below, the difference between the two time series. The moment where the grids sync is very clearly visible.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("BrianKrebs") wrote:

Nothing to see here, just Musk's team of "experts" feeding the nation's data into AI. What could go wrong? Especially if the goal is to replace a ton of government workers with AI?

"To replace the existing civil service, Musk’s allies are looking to technology. DOGE associates have been feeding vast troves of government records and databases into artificial intelligence tools, looking for unwanted federal programs and trying to determine which human work can be replaced by AI, machine-learning tools or even robots."

"As much as half the government’s nonmilitary real estate holdings are set to be liquidated, a move aimed at closing offices and increasing commute times amid sharp new limits on remote and telework. That is intended to depress workforce morale and increase attrition, according to four officials with knowledge of internal conversations at the General Services Administration, another agency taken over by Musk."

“We’ve heard from them that they want to make the buildings so crappy that people will leave,” said one senior official at GSA, which manages most federal property. “I think that’s the larger goal here, which is bring everybody back, the buildings are going to suck, their commutes are going to suck.”

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

every time someone tries to defend the trade wars against Mexico and Canada "because the deals we had were so bad", remind them that those trade deals were made by The Fat Orange Child in 2018 to replace NAFTA.

The Fat Orange Child is starting trade wars to save us from the deals The Fat Orange Child made the last time he was President.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Steve Herman") wrote:

President Trump told reporters on Air Force One he will announce tomorrow 25% tariffs on all steel and aluminum imports into the US.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("NOELREPORTS 🇪🇺 🇺🇦") wrote:

The moment Estonia disconnected its power grid from Russia has been shared online. A historic step toward energy independence.


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
eunews ("European News 🇪🇺") wrote:

Hundreds of thousands protest far right in Germany

More than 200,000 protesters rallied in Munich, Germany, on Saturday against far-right extremism ahead of the country's general election. The far-right, anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany, or AfD, is in second place in recent polls and has prompted widespread protests across the country before voters cast their ballots on Feb. 23.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Matthew Haughey") wrote:

I stumbled onto a Chinese restaurant that was run by fans of German art history

Bao House restaurant storefront

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
AnnaAnthro wrote:

#Google Calendar removed events like Pride and Black History Month because its holiday list wasn’t ‘sustainable’ | The Verge

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Natasha Jay 🇪🇺") wrote:

Developer accused of unreadable code refuses to comment

Mastodon Feed

bcantrill ("Bryan Cantrill") wrote:

On tomorrow's (Monday's!) Oxide and Friends, @ahl and I will be joined by @orhun at a Europe-friendly time (9a Pacific/5p GMT/8p TRT) to talk about TUIs in general -- and the terrific Ratatui in particular. Join us!

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Jeff Atwood") wrote:

System Failure

Mastodon Feed

fribbledom ("muesli") wrote:

If you start investing at age 25, you may be able to afford your own funeral one day!

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Micro SF/F by O. Westin") wrote:

"Hey, PS17, grandad mentioned a game called 'Bubble Bobble'. Can you run that?"

The PlayStation thought. "No, but I can emulate an earlier platform, that can emulate an earlier platform, that can emulate-"

"How many layers of emulation will you have to run?"


"I hope it's worth it."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

on the one hand, I understand fear so I understand some folks posting things anonymously.

on the other hand, I also understand disinformation so I am loathe to re-post or otherwise spread anonymous assertions.

these are difficult times to act ethically.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Lance") wrote:

#SilentSunday #Tennessee

Branches of a tree blossoming in early spring overhang a field with daffodils on the ground. Only the branches are in relatively sharp focus, while the flowers and grass are blurry. There's a reddish / purple hue throughout the scene. Photo shot on Lomochrome Purple film using a Canon EOS Elan IIe 35mm camera. Taken in March 2018 along the Pellissippi Parkway in Knoxville, TN.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Radical Graffiti") wrote:

"If cats could talk, to cops, they wouldn't"
Seen in Sydney

Graffiti on a concrete wall featuring the text from the toot. The text was written on a background with green lines and white flowers. On the left side is the portrayal of a black cat with big white eyes. On the right side is the portrayal of a black cat from behind. Underneath this cat is a capital A in a circle and a black star.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Street Art Utopia") wrote:

Satirical Street Art: Elon Musk and Donald Trump Under the Public Eye:

A grocery store shelf displays cartons of large white eggs, with a price tag showing $11.69 for an 18-pack. A satirical sticker is placed next to the price, featuring a photoshopped image of former U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, both shirtless and riding a horse together. The sticker includes bold red text reading, "WE DID THAT," implying they are responsible for the high price of eggs. The image plays on the popular meme format often used to criticize political figures for economic conditions.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Ariel Kroon") wrote:

Anyone in #Kitchener or #Waterloo / #WaterlooRegion in general interested in joining a little community garden? ComeUnity Roots gardens collectively, sharing knowledge and our harvest - we even try to donate our surplus. Gardeners of any age, class, ability, and skill level are welcome. We're looking for new members for this coming year - if you're interested, please email comeunityrootsgarden at gmail dot com.

@WaterlooEvents @waterlooregion #gardening #CommunityGardening #FoodSecurity #plants

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
nocontexttrek ("Star Trek Minus Context") wrote:


Star Trek Enterprise scene. We're on ship and looking at Malcolm Reed in uniform, sitting,  expounding, and probably eating pineapple held just off camera. Closed caption reads, "I'm afraid I don't much follow football, sir."

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("xinit ☕") wrote:

"comparing the total units sold so far — 34,438 for the Cybertruck, compared to 3,173,491 for the ill-fated Pinto, discontinued in 1980 — and comparing reported fire fatalities for both.

At the current rate of horrible fiery deaths, FuelArc projects the Cybertruck will have 14.52 fatalities per 100,000 units — far eclipsing the Pinto's 0.85. (In absolute terms, FuelArc found, 27 Pinto drivers died in fires, while 5 Cybertruck drivers have suffered the same fate"

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Alex Russell"):
simonstl ("Simon St.Laurent") wrote:

"A court order cannot enforce itself. It cannot change a mind. It cannot make white folks less racist. It cannot recapture things that have been lost, or stolen. The only thing that can save us is us."

Mastodon Feed ("Alex Russell") wrote:

The difference in performance between the work of functional programmers who focus on the JTBD and grok the system below them (e.g. Mike Bostock and the d3 crew, Preact peeps, etc.) vs the poseurs (React team) is hard to overstate.

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

On Blocking, Mastodon HOA Edition.

One of Mastodon's biggest barriers to entry is the Mastodon HOA, the massive volunteer army of scolds who take it upon themselves to tell strangers that they are doing it wrong. It's like you're waiting in line at...


Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
meridians ("shannon") wrote:

a Barred owl visited my deck 3 times over the course of a week. I was so surprised each time, and was lucky enough to follow his flight path the one day where he perched in a spruce tree within sight for the entire afternoon. I took hundreds of photos and videos, but here's one you might enjoy. #barredowl #naturalist #wildlife #rewilding #owls #nature #birdsofprey #rewilding #ontario #canada #conservation

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
tofugolem ("Tofu Golem") wrote:

The Captain America movie is going to bomb. Every American movie is going to bomb. The James Gunn DC movies are going to bomb. At least internationally.

If you are American, you might not be aware of how the rest of the world sees America right now. They aren't showing you the mass protests. They aren't showing you politicians in Western countries giving rousing speeches about how the world needs to come together to oppose America now that America is fascist.

Almost nobody likes fascists.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): wrote:

Homeland Security Secretary Noem says DOGE team has access to agency data

Posted into Politics @politics-CNN

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("mekka okereke :verified:") wrote:

The fact that David Schwimmer is asking Elon Musk to stop Ye from spewing hate? Shows you just how backwards everything is right now.🙂🙃

Ye is an antisemite.

But Ye is not trying to get the AfD elected. Ye doesn't have employees in the treasury department.

What are y'all doing?

Musk re-platformed some of the most vile nazis.

Then supported the AfD.

Then did his "Roman salute"

Then made a bunch of Holocaust jokes.

Then said it's time for Germans to stop feeling guilty about the Holocaust.

Your "Friends" hero didn't have smoke for him on any of this.

Why is that?

Shout out to everyone whose anti-Blackness is so strong, that they're going to read this as a defense of Ye.🤡

It doesn't even cross their mind to consider that maybe Ye is dangerous and influential, but Elon is more dangerous, more influential, and more capable.

I told y'all Ye is trash years ago.

His beats knock, but his views are trash.

And he makes ugly sneakers. I said it.

Y'all paid hundreds of dollars to wear Crocs. The equivalent of Cybertrucks on your feet.

Embarrassed for y'all.

Yeezy shoes, which are ugly Croc looking shoes, complete with holes. The shoe looks like something you'd find in the foyer of a crypto bro's house.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Christopher M0YNG") wrote:

oh, oh no...?

edit: unless this is "oh yay, job done ..." which I really hope it is.


My Archive Team Warrior working on archiving the US Government websites, it's  idle as there are no items available for it to work on at the moment.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Stewart is correct: in the world of That Fat Orange Child, "DEI" stands for ***sucking go nflation