Mastodon Feed: Posts

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Erin Reed") wrote:

Incredible news! The Trump administration's under 19 trans care ban has been BLOCKED in federal court via a bench temporary restraining order. The administration CANNOT withhold funds from hospitals providing trans youth care. ACLU statement here:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2025   CONTACT Gillian Branstetter, Tom Warnke,   BALTIMORE – In a victory for transgender youth, their families, and their medical providers, a federal district court today issued a temporary restraining order blocking enforcement of a Trump administration executive order attempting to shut down access nationwide to gender-affirming medical care for transgender people under 19. The decision by Judge Brendan Hurson was issued from the bench with a written order to come soon.   The nationwide restraining order prohibits federal agencies from conditioning or withholding federal funding based on the fact that a healthcare entity or health professional provides gender-affirming medical care to a patient under nineteen.   “Good and decent parents of transgender kids should never be in the frightening position of having their child’s prescribed, medically necessary care canceled at the whim and threat of a politician. But that’s exactly what President Trump’s executive order did to PFLAG families with trans youth and young adults nationwide,” said Brian K. Bond (he/him), Chief Executive Officer of PFLAG National. “Today’s decision rights a grievous wrong to our nation's families and children, and PFLAG families will be vigilant to ensure our transgender loved ones receive the healthcare they need—as this legal ruling demands.”   “Forcing providers to withhold medically-necessary, evidence-
In the first week after the order was signed, some hospitals across the country — in Massachusetts, Maryland, Washington, Colorado, and Virginia at least — abruptly halted medical care for transgender people under age 19, canceling appointments and turning away patients, including some who had been receiving this care for most of their life. This prompted protests of support for transgender youth and in opposition to the order nationwide.   On Feb. 4, a lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Lambda Legal, the ACLU of Maryland, and law firms Jenner & Block and Hogan Lovells on behalf of transgender young adults and adolescents and their families whose health care has been disrupted by President Trump’s order. Also joining the case as plaintiffs are PFLAG National, the nation’s largest organization supporting LGBTQ+ people and their families, with over 550,000 members and supporters and nearly 350 chapters across the country; and GLMA, the country’s largest organization of LGBTQ and allied health professionals.   "Across the country, this unlawful order from the president has sown fear among transgender youth and confusion among their providers,” said Joshua Block, senior staff attorney for the ACLU’s LGBTQ & HIV Project. “But today’s decision should restore both their access to healthcare and protections under the Constitution. Providers who’ve suspended healthcare for their transgender patients should be left with no doubt that they can lift those suspen

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

"one of three studies on bird flu that were delayed after the Trump administration issued a pause on outside communications from federal health agencies last month"

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
geekmomprojects ("GeekMomProjects") wrote:

Using p5.js to map the vertices of the truncated icosahedron build. I'm always too lazy to make 3D mapping part of a project's design phase and I always regret it later on!

A hand holding a black truncated icosahedron with translucent acrylic flowers inset each side, in front of a computer screen. The screen shows a 3D rendering of labelled points corresponding to each of the vertices of the truncated icosahedron, and a partially completed list of faces comprised of lists of vertices within the code.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Aral Balkan") wrote:

So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg #CodebergUnderAttack #SupportCodeberg #antifascist #EU #european #FOSS #freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community #callToAction

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

the messaging *does* neeed to be coherent, & it *should* begin immediately, & sadly that is not enough.

after listening/reading/viewing pre- & post-election interviews with members of groups who voted for The Fat Orange Child, it appears clear to me that warnings will not be believed until this administration's actions cause actual hurt to the people there.

Head Start and Community Health & Drug Rehab Centers and VA Hospitals are all in operational funding trouble now.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Simon Willison") wrote:

New release of shot-scraper, adding support for HTTP Archives. You can now run:

shot-scraper har

And get back a JSON datasette-io.har file containing all of the requests and responses used to render that page.

Lots more details here:

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

when actual "conservatives" who take administration jobs actually have principles they live by:

"The Trump administration last month named Ms. Sassoon, a veteran prosecutor, to head the office on an interim basis" [Sassoon: Harvard, Yale Law, Scalia clerkship, Frederalist Society member]

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

"RFK Jr.’s Confirmation Hailed By National Alliance of Funeral Directors" (The Borowitz Report)

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:"): ("Kailee ♾️ Voting Midterms God") wrote:

603,630 km² 🇺🇦

#Ukraine #eu #europe #nato

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Jaunty Art") wrote:


I drew a picture of Robert Kennedy Jr’s face with the word HEALTH underneath it

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("George Takei :verified: 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽") wrote:

Please continue to report.

A tweet from user @delsalcott features a screenshot of a reporting interface. The interface asks, "What issue do you want to report about Gulf of America?" with the option "Name is wrong" selected. Other options include "Location on map is wrong" and "Something else." The tweet's caption reads, "About to be insufferable," implying the user is about to correct the incorrect name, as "Gulf of America" is not a real geographic term (likely referring to the Gulf of Mexico).

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

"You gotta tell em'! Software development is people...!"

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("BrianKrebs") wrote:

Day 5 of posting about the coup on Linkedin. I can't begin to count the number of people in infosec LI who messaged privately to say keep going, nobody's talking about this here, this is important, etc. That's been nice.

But then also a lot of times when I check these peoples' timelines on LI it's like . So that makes me a little sad. But then I think, self, you're in a much better position to piss off infosec LI than most, and that's to be expected. And that's a good thing.

Also, there are SO many people in or on the fringe of the infosec industry that have such horrible takes on why it is okay to break the law, flout the courts, the Constitution and Congress in the name of fighting "government fraud." As if that's not just a replacement for "election fraud," which likewise hasn't materialized. Anyway, I guess they're all on record as cheering the nazi parade, so there's that.

I'm generally not engaging in conversations with these cult followers, because never argue with an idiot, right? But I also don't want the same drones cluttering up my timeline with inanities and whataboutism. So my strong inclination is to block useful idiots, but then I think well why am I even here if I'm doing that? I did block some people though and it felt good.

As you can see, I am somewhat conflicted about this project.

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

We go now to the Oval Office for a statement from Grimes.


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Brandon") wrote:

Check this one out if you live in the states! Alongside of the normal things, @jasonm shares from his experience as a local politician about how we can stay engaged in trying times!

🖊️ I just posted a new article to!

Jason - Interview Series

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
SKleefeld ("Sean Kleefeld") wrote:

@cstross Fun fact: Doctor Doom was allied with Henry Kissinger in a comic book literally titled "Super-Villain Team-Up!"

Two panels from Super-Villain Team-Up #6 circa 1976 showcasing Henry Kissinger demanding the Fantastic Four cease hostilities against Doctor Doom.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Matthew Haughey") wrote:

A thing me and my fellow liberals need to let go of is pointing out right wing hypocrisy. It feels good when we notice it but they have not given a fuck about their own hypocrisy for the last 50+yrs.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Alex Winter") wrote:

Senate to RFK: Welcome Home! Now we're off to get some beers.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Clayton Cubitt") wrote:


RFK in a car saying ""Get in losers. We're getting polio." bird flu brain worms measles some medieval disease we've never heard of"

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("TayFoNay🍿") wrote:

Hmm, I wonder why posting is turned off on Google for the Gulf of America


Screenshot of stupid google maps showing Gulf of America for Gulf of Mexico, with a popup stating:  Posting is currently turned off for this type of place Some types of places are more likely to receive posts, like reviews, that violate Google's policies. To prevent this, Google has turned off posting. About posting restrictions

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("San Francisco Baykeeper") wrote:

SF dumps millions of gallons of sewage during big storms -- not cool, guys!! 💩 ⛈️ ☔️

As our executive director Sejal Choksi-Chugh told KQED, discharge areas are sacrifice zones where the city has nowhere else to release polluted water.

"They're not allowed to be discharging this much bacteria and pollution into the Bay, yet they are doing it." #sf #sanfrancisco #sfpuc #sewage #sewagepollution #sfbay #sanfraciscobay

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Alex Winter") wrote:

We have Musk protest events popping up at Tesla showrooms and plants all over the country and many more here and worldwide. Join or create your own event at

Map showing protest events

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg ") wrote:

Proud to be one of the 350 rabbis signing this statement — an ad in the NYT today and a declaration of our values. more—and to sign— go to

Jewish people say NO to ethnic cleansing

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

I was inspired by a prompt to try to draw Sinistar early this morning. You can see my attempt here:

Bonus link to songs involving Sinistar:

#yaombaaa #doodle

Mastodon Feed ("Watts Martin") wrote:

Hey, so, if you need me, I plan to spend the next four years alternating between playing Balatro and screaming into a sofa cushion.

Mastodon Feed

NfNitLoop ("Cody Casterline 🏳️‍🌈") wrote:

Tried it out. It's pretty! But it's wider than the monospaced font I currently use for code-editing. While wider lines might help with legibility, horizontal scrolling is worse.

Also (maybe some #typography nerd can explain this to me) it somehow made the lines look like they had more spacing between them, even though, AFAICT, they actually don't. Just a factor of the wider spacing? Or some factor of the glyph styles? 🤔

But… I still need to try out the variable-width font for non-code.

Mastodon Feed

isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:") wrote:


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("allison") wrote:

[in the faculty meeting] listen, this new technology is here to stay, and it's useless to fight against it. if we want to prepare our students for the jobs of the future, we *must* teach them how to (responsibly and ethically) purchase and consume up to five Taco BellⓇ Naked Chicken Chalupas™ each day

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by wrote:

The AGs TPO Hearing on Gender Affirming Care is at 10am on February 14th, Seattle Courthouse, 700 Stewart St, Room 15106 (15A).
People showing up makes a difference to the judge--let's show we care!

Mastodon Feed ("John Scalzi") wrote:

Your reminder that being "cancelled" really just means someone is in a brief career timeout, sooner or they'll be back again, and sometimes you won't even have time to miss them