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Boosted by jwz:
freequaybuoy ("James 🦉 #FBPE 🇪🇺") wrote:

If RFK's confirmation doesn't make you sick, it soon will.


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Boosted by jwz: ("fasterthanlime 🌌") wrote:

we knew maintainers could be petty tyrants, but unironically referring to oneselve as "the thin blue line" comes with another entirely different set of implications

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Boosted by jwz: ("TayFoNay🍿") wrote:

I'm seeing articles calling the CEOs of various tech companies "cowards." And I agree wholeheartedly. However, this isn't limited to these broligarchs. I learned the hard way most people with any semblance of power or influence are cowards if speaking out or going against the grain threaten their status. This happened when Chris McNaughton sued UHC - maybe you've seen his @ProPublica story passed around recently with the Luigi incident. If not, linked below.

The reality is several "big name" physicians were approached to join the fight, whether it was on social media or as expert witnesses and very very few stepped up. The ones who did were like oh fuck yeah, let me at 'em. But the ones Chris thought would be there, who even talked a big game about the insurance industry being corrupt at the time, were silent. Because speaking out was risky. The universities who employ them have policies about such things, and the policies are basically shut the fuck up. It was incredibly disheartening.

So I guess I learned then, don't look toward those in power to be the ones with courage in this country.

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Boosted by jwz: ("Connections Museum") wrote:

Thanks to our volunteers, the new Nortel Millenium display is off to a great start!

A photo of a Nortel Millennium payphone. On the screen are the words “hack the planet”

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Boosted by jwz: ("Erin Reed") wrote:

The National Park Service has removed "T" and all mention of transgender people from the Stonewall National Monument. Trans women were some of the most influential activists behind the Stonewall movement and what followed. 3 articles of clothing laws were why raids happened. Erasure.

Stonewall National Monument New York Info   Alerts   Maps   Calendar   Fees “By the time of Stonewall...we had 50 to 60 gay groups in the country. A year later...1500.” Before the 1960s, almost everything about living openly as a lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) person was illegal. The Stonewall Uprising on June 28, 1969 is a milestone in the quest for LGB civil rights and provided momentum for a movement. Five visitors and one park ranger standing next to an iron fence as they post rainbow flags. Plan Your Visit Located in Greenwich Village, New York City, Stonewall National Monument is one of the many parks in New York Harbor. Educational images of leaning at Stonewall National Monument Education No Matter where you are, we can bring Stonewall National Monument to your classroom. Find teachers resources here. A rainbow flag overlaid with "Stonewall National Monument, Established 2016" with the NPS arrowhead. LGB Flags What are LGB flags and what days should we celebrate them? Click here to find out.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("mekka okereke :verified:") wrote:

Imagine some weirdo tries to sell you a Cybertruck and some Bitcoin, and you tell him to get lost.

But then he breaks into your bank, takes over your account, and buys that crypto and a few cybertrucks with your money anyway, against your will.

And while he's there, he stops your mortgage payment.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Erin Kissane") wrote:

If you and/or your company/nonprofit/whatever have a bank account in the US, this would be a very good thing to try to read and act on in short order.

Henry Farrell is the person I trust most in the world to understand and explain the ways the dull boring mechanics of financial systems can turn into immensely powerful weapons against US residents, just as they have been for years against others.

Mastodon Feed ("Watts Martin") wrote:

As many people I know scramble to get vaccines (AFAIK, I’m caught up on everything), I realize I am thinking, for the first time ever, “hopefully the pharmaceutical lobby will save us.”

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Imogen") wrote:

The 20 meter ham band (14 MHz) is very enhanced this afternoon. Every one has a strong signal.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Flipboard Culture Desk") wrote:

Howard University has been named a Research One (R1) institution by the American Council on Education, making it the first and only HBCU to achieve this status. The designation means a university is a top-tier research institution. Howard was previously classified as R1 but lost the status in 2005 after changes to the criteria. Its research centers include the Howard Center for Sickle Cell Disease, and the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, home to the largest archive of materials documenting the global Black experience. Here's more from The Hilltop.

#BlackMastodon @blackmastodon #HBCU #Universities #Education #HowardUniversity

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Laffy") wrote:

We all knew where Dobbs was going.

#Texas Judge Fines New York Doctor and Orders Her to Stop Sending #Abortion Pills to Texas

It is the first ruling in a case challenging “shield laws” intended to protect doctors in states that support abortion rights who send abortion pills to states with bans”

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Mark Dennehy") wrote:

@cstross And Ireland just activated our official "keep free-range chickens indoors because of H5N1 in wild birds" plan this morning...

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Lurkle DEI makes life great") wrote:

"The NY Times checked and this man has no criminal record in Venezuela. He didn’t sneak across the border but presented himself and obtained an appointment as the law allowed. He is now in a concentration camp being treated like a terrorist.

The only way the sister found out about it was by happening to see a picture of his shared by Kristi Noem on social media."

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): wrote:

US intelligence agencies believe Israel is likely to strike Iranian nuclear facilities this year

Posted into Politics @politics-CNN

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Kim Scheinberg") wrote:

@mattblaze @heidilifeldman
Footnote 1 is jaw-dropping:

I attended a meeting on Jan 31, 2025, with Mr. Bove, Adams's counsel, and members of my office. Adams's attorneys repeatedly urged what amounted to a quid pro quo, indicating that Adams would be in a position to assist with the Dept's enforcement priorities only if the indictment were dismissed. Mr. Bove admonished a member of my team who took notes during that meeting and directed the collection of those notes at the meeting's conclusion.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

he came back with PTSD, he did a really stupid and dangerous thing, and now he is screwed:

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Infinity Counter 🟦") wrote:

"Jose Barco-Chirino is the son of a Cuban political prisoner who protested against Communism. He was born when the family fled to Venezuela and granted asylum in America at the age of 5.

The promise of U.S. citizenship from the Army sounded better than working construction in Miami, so he joined up before he was old enough to drive.

Between tours he filled out citizenship papers, but they disappeared."

#StarsAndStripes #Immigration #Venezuela #USMilitary #Cuba #DACA #USArmy #VeteransAffairs

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Kevin Rothrock") wrote:

Kaja Kallas said earlier today that Europe will support Ukrainian “resistance” to a U.S.-Russian peace deal that doesn’t satisfy Brussels or Kyiv. To my knowledge, Trump has never even publicly acknowledged Kallas’s existence, so I wonder how he views this kind of rhetoric.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
mhoye wrote:

The blast radius of a toxic contributor in an open source project is mostly invisible.

If you're a community leader you need to understand that for every prominent developer loudly driven out there were hundreds, maybe thousands of people who could have done great work, who could have been your next generation, looking at how your people treat people, at the bar your community has set for decency or dignity, silently taking their talents elsewhere, that you didn't see.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Nixon, Clinton, Bush II, and Trump all have some interesting electoral v popular vote similarities.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

data sources: "Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends" ( ) for all but current Administration, and "The Guardian" ( ) for current data point

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

interesting pattern, interesting that The Fat Orange Child does so poorly each time

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Evan Prodromou") wrote:


Four amber wine bottles

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Steve Herman") wrote:

(FNN) - OPM advising all federal agencies to fire their probationary employees with less than a year on the job.

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
eff ("Electronic Frontier Foundation") wrote:

“Similar bans have come from a genuine concern about the privacy and security of U.S. government systems, but I think that the trend of singling out Chinese products is particularly pernicious,” EFF’s Eva Galperin told StateScoop.

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Kevin Beaumont") wrote:

Just for the record, JD Vance, the "kid" you are referring to here was 25 years old when he tweeted things like "Normalise Indian hate" last month.

Which you know.

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Jeff Pummill") wrote:

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("The IJF") wrote:

Amazon’s subsidiary is looking for contract opportunities with the Canadian government. At the same time, the company is in a fight with a federal minister over its closure of seven warehouses in #Quebec after one of them voted to unionize. Read about what #Amazon wants from Ottawa.
#cdnpoli #lobbying

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Laffy") wrote:

Injuries are reported in a more than 100-vehicle pileup near Portland in whiteout conditions

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Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("incorrect horse battery staple") wrote:

@lightweight The Signal server code is mostly open. There is a piece of it they don't publish which only deals with handling spam.