Mastodon Feed: Posts

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

I occasionally get reminded that my social media bubble doesn't intersect much with the rest of the memetic universe when I learn about a popular meme via "mainstream" non-social media sources. The most recent one is the "Hostile Government Takeover" song.

Apparently, there's plenty of remixes, which makes sense. "A Gift From Todd" (the singer) lays down a solid vocal.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Radical Graffiti") wrote:

"When you ride TESLA, you ride with Hitler.
Join Public Transportation Today!"

Reworked WW2 poster spotted in Oakland

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
davebauerart ("Dave bauer") wrote:

I love a creative challenge, but I usually don't complete them in the recommended timeframe, and almost always freely reinterpret the rules. Here's my totally optional, non-challenging challenge. Keep Going

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Erin Kissane") wrote:

Ethan Marcotte, who is one of the most principled and thoughtful people I have ever known and also a dear friend, has resigned from his job at 18F after being asked to meet with shadowy gov-dismantlers. The whole post is worth reading.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("OSH Park") wrote:

Hey #Portland! #HardwareHappyHour is tonight, Feb 18th, at the Bye and Bye on Alberta. Hosted by @helenleigh, it's an informal way to socialize, show off your projects, and talk about the world of hardware. From beginner to expert, all are welcome! #PDX #PortlandPDX #openhardware #diy #electronics #HardwareHacking #hardwarehappyhour

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Nadim Kobeissi"): ("OSTIF") wrote:

Pushing this out into the FOSSTODON void one last time before tomorrow's meetup- join us and @nadim for a discussion of the NYM security audit, cryptography, and open source security! RSVP at #opensource #cryptography #cybersecurity

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by kornel ("Kornel"):
BasicAppleGuy wrote:

UI like this makes me certain that no one on the iOS development team has ever lived through a real winter. ❄️

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by kornel ("Kornel"): ("Colossal") wrote:

For Eric Kogan, timing really is everything. The New York-based photographer captures the stunning coincidences he spots on his daily walks.


a photograph of electrical wires that appear to be cradling a single white cloud in a blue sky
a photograph of a green car speeding along a road, seen through a chainlink fence that appears to be moving with the car

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

Fascists don't like being called fascists.

The Italian justice ministry has allowed prosecutors to move forward on charges of "contempt of the institutions" after Molko called the prime minister a "fascist, racist piece of shit" while playing a...


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("") wrote:

your outie uses minimal javascript

your outie doesn’t use div for everything

#Severance #WebDev

Ms. Casey in Severance standing in dark space

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Mikko Tuomi") wrote:

Astronomers have peered through the #atmosphere of an #exoplanet, mapping its 3D structure for the first time.

WASP-121 b has powerful winds carrying chemical elements like iron and titanium, creating intricate weather patterns across the #planet’s atmosphere.

The discovery opens the door for detailed studies of the chemical makeup and weather of other alien worlds.

#astronomy #exoplanets

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

I haven't had a chance to watch yet, but Aurora at KEXP!

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Lori Emerson") wrote:

📡 at very long last, today is the big day! my beloved book, OTHER NETWORKS: A RADICAL TECHNOLOGY SOURCEBOOK, is officially available for pre-order!

This a speculative index of communications networks, a love letter to experimental art & technology, & a liberatory guide for escaping the corporate present. Many of you know that, for years, I have been compiling and cataloguing a history of communications networks, one full of alternatives to the monolithic, surveilled internet as we now know it. The result is this compendium of possibilities that existed before or outside of the internet and a tribute to their experimental use by artists, covering everything from pirate radio to barbed wire telegraph, from synthesizers that transmitted over the telephone to encoded messages bounced off the surface of the moon.

Because of the hard work and creative genius of Mark Iosifescu, Jesse Pollock, and everyone at Anthology Editions; Robert Beatty who made the breathtaking cover and section designs; and Ella Gold for book design, OTHER NETWORKS is also a feat of beautiful design. And as if that weren't enough, the talented @jomc wrote the Foreword and the legendary @hrheingold wrote the epilogue. So, so many people to thank, including many of YOU, for making this happen!

yellow background. front cover of Other Networks: A Radical Technology Sourcebook. Text is in gold foil, place diagonally across the top left and top right corners. there is a gold foil square with rounded edges. within the square is a green foil plantlike structure with four gold foil lines emerging from it.
yellow background. book spread open with two cut-out quotes in black boxes with straight black lines emerging from each quote on the left side of the open book. on the right is the first page of the introduction.
yellow background. book open to a page on the left with a heading in brown type, "OPTICAL NETWORKS" and a sub-section labeled "Flag Signaling". the image on the right side of the page is from Hannah Weiner's Signal Flag Poems.
yellow background. book spread open with a black and white photograph spanning both pages that shows Bill Bartlett and others experimenting with slow scan t equipment. overlaid on the photograph is a diagram showing how the group set up and conected their slow scan equipment.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): wrote:

@jwildeboer You are probably already aware, but there is a solid article on #Signal security published today

Spoiler: they have no complaints

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Alex Russell"): ("Jon Udell") wrote:

"I instituted DEI programs at Cloudera because I'm a rapacious capitalist who saw it as a competitive advantage to do so. I'd do it again! And now I think it'd be an even bigger competitive advantage, because so many organizations are fleeing the strategy."

First, there's an extensive body of scientific research that demonstrates conclusively that diverse teams outperform homogeneous teams. The intuition on this is pretty simple: A group of people with the same education and background is going to think in pretty much the same way. If you're looking for outside-the-box thinking, the simplest way to get it is to go outside the box. A team with lots of different backgrounds and experiences will bring different approaches and ideas to problems. You get the benefit of lots more creative thinking. And the intuition is backed up by hard data: Done properly, diversity wins. So, if you want a top-performing team, you want to avoid hiring people who learned all the same things in all the same ways, who have had all the same experiences. They're too likely to agree with one another when you need them to cogitate, disagree and discuss. You need your team to make better decisions.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Alex Russell"): ("Servo") wrote:

Big win for Servo! Servo now passes 94.9% of Web Platform Tests for CSS2 Tables, surpassing Blink! 🎉 Big congrats to the team for their incredible progress on table support over the past year.

A graphic titled "Servo WPT Pass Rate for CSS2 Tables" that featured a a bar graph showing the total number of CSS2 Tables Subtests (453), Servo passing 430, Chrome passing 415, Safari passing 388 and Firefox passing 444 subtests.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Rob Rey") wrote:

Detail image of a new tiny painting coming to Thursday, 2/20!

Oil painting portrait of a woman in space with moons

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Rod Faulkner") wrote:

These authors should be read during ANY month:

#BlackHistory365 #scifi #fantasy

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Laura G, Sassy 70’s") wrote:

Your Black History Month art post for today: a beautiful watercolor painting by Elizabeth Colomba (born 1976), featured cover of the December 2023 edition of Vogue.

From ArtNews: ‘“What is incredible and scary about being an artist is that there is no certainty of anything,” she said. “You always feel like it’s almost too good to be true. You always have this constant anxiety, which is maybe a good thing. Maybe it’s a way of being able to push yourself, of never feeling like you arrived anywhere, of always exploring new ideas and new ways of putting your narrative out there.”’

#BlackHistoryMonth #blackart #blackartist #womanartist #womensart

The artist’s website:

An interview in Vogue:

A beautiful young black woman wearing a sky blue fancy dress, stands on a terrace? Veranda? In the background, red/pink flowers and a blue sky. Her arm rests on the column of a lattice work white fence

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

Rick Astley voice: The horrors persist but so do I.

Mastodon Feed ("John Scalzi") wrote:

Finally we'll be able to see how many Ram trucks can be parked at a single venue

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
jeffjarvis ("Jeff Jarvis") wrote:

Oh, what tangled rhetoric we weave when at first we practice to deceive. Capitulation by Trump & Times:
"...the latest striking swerve by the Trump administration in abandoning Western efforts to isolate Russia."
U.S. and Russia Pursue Partnership in a Head-Spinning Shift in Relations

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Yoko Ono Lennon born in Tokyo, 1933

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Pluto discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory, AZ, 1930

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

listening to NPR and the Senator representating of the Dem Party is doing an absolutely terrible job at answering questions without spewing a great flood of BS.

the interviewer asked a straight question, and you are trying to weasel out of giving a straight answer. stop repeating meaningless phrases as pseudo-answers.

STFU, you are making it worst.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Joseph Goebbels delivers the Sportpalast speech, 1943

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Michelangelo Buonarroti dies in Rome, Italy, 1564

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Today in History: Ernst Mach born, 1838, philosopher & optics pionee

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Jay Justice🏳‍🌈🇯🇲♿") wrote:

Hey, a graphic novel I worked on is out! Check out Space Chasers by astronaut Leland Melvin, Joe Caramagna & Alison Acton! It's the first in a series of middle grade books about a team of brilliant kids who become astronauts + have an amazing adventure. I loved working on this series so much. 🚀💫

#comics #space #STEAM #graphicnovel

First image is of a smiling Black astronaut in an orange NASA space suit holding the paws of his two happy dogs as one licks his face and the other leans against his lap. Next image is the cover of a graphic novel with 2 dogs and five smiling children all with different skin tones and hair colors, next to an adult man, in a space ship. All are wearing space suits and some are upside down. Behind them the Earth can be seen in space through a window in the ship. text on book cover reads "SPACE CHASERS BY LELAND MELVIN JOE CARAMAGNA ALISON ACTON"

Mastodon Feed ("Watts Martin") wrote:

My income for 2024 is slightly under 6% of what it was for 2023. Well, this may just finally motivate me to stop paying TurboTax.