Mastodon Feed: Posts

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Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Simone S") wrote:

Does anyone have experience in using AERC, the command-line email client?

I'd like to read posts outlining custom workflows and learn the proper way to set it up for my needs.

Boosts welcome.

#aerc #tui #email

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Sophie") wrote:

Having your own website is not going to fix democracy, or topple the online pillars of capitalism - but it's making a political statement nonetheless. It says "I want to carve my own space on the web, away from the corporations". I think this is a radical act. It was when I originally said this in 2022, and I mean it even more today.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Davey Craney") wrote:

Haha yes! @echofeed is awesome!

That did exactly what I wanted 😎

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Dave 🧱 :cursor_pointer:") wrote:

HTML, CSS, JS & A11y course stack:

- HTML For People by @bw:
- Complete CSS by @piccalilli:
- Joy For JavaScript Developers by @joshwcomeau:
- Practical Accessibility by @SaraSoueidan:

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by kornel ("Kornel"): ("Sammy [citation needed] Fox") wrote:

Someone somewhere is not handling a null value correctly... :neofox_flop:

(this is daily pageview data for the Null page on the English Wikipedia)


A graph from around 6th February 2025 to the 20th February 2025 showing values steady around 10,00 between the 6th to 12th, and then suddenly increasing between the 13th and 20th to around 400,000

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

I'll bet 98% of the people attending GDC have never seen TRON.

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

*Gestures at everything* Look man I'm just trying to focus on my 1:2 scale papercraft projects right now.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
Daojoan ("JA Westenberg") wrote:

When a tech company tries to talk about their “values”


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Chi Señires") wrote:

Loved this line from the article in particular: "The most valuable skills often emerge from the intersections between disciplines, not from their cores."

There's really much to learn from working and collaborating with other people, whether that be related to your current line of work or maybe even something else entirely. I just hope more people do approach collaborating in this manner, to make interactions more worthwhile 😄

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("RubyTuesdayMorning") wrote:

A sign in Gorton typedace that states: A computer  can never be spiteful or horny  therefore a computer must never make art.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Alex Russell"): ("elle mundy") wrote:

the culture war is a divide and conquer strategy in the class war

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by isagalaev ("Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:"): ("steve mookie kong") wrote:

We need more JOMO.

#jomo #joy #happiness #content #selfCare

A happy woman sitting and smiling with a book and cup of hot liquid.  JOMO (noun) Joy of Missing Out. Feeling content with staying in and disconnecting as a form of self- care.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Alex Russell"): ("Wary Jerry") wrote:

I predict commercials in a few years that go something like this:
“Are you one of the millions of Americans who suffered financial losses as a result of DOGE negligence? You may be entitled to compensation. Please call our lawyers now for a free consultation”

Mastodon Feed ("John Scalzi") wrote:

Racist president does racist thing, racistly

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Annalee Newitz 🍜") wrote:

Want to know what US government workers actually do, vs. the propaganda spewed by DOGE? This incredible website, "We the Builders," is full of first-person testimonials from government workers about their actual jobs, and how they make the government work for the public.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Henry") wrote:

Here's my long un-awaited post about how I've found the last two years on #Mastodon :


Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

that was a quick honeymoon:

“…concern among investors over a slowing economy and sticky inflation, leading them in search of safer assets.

Losses increased into the close as traders feared staying long into a weekend that could bring another barrage of headlines from the Trump administration, which has proposed a flurry of tariffs and other market-moving policy changes since taking charge a month ago.”

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

“Tarrio, according to the U.S. Capitol Police, allegedly struck a woman's phone and arm when she allegedly put a phone near his face after a press conference wrapped up on Capitol grounds.”

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("douk") wrote:

ad-free tiers in 2025


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("egregious philbin") wrote:

Oldschool funk bangers have been a load-bearing component of my mental health lately, so have an underappreciated one.

Mastodon Feed

NfNitLoop ("Cody Casterline 🏳️‍🌈") wrote:

@cstanhope If you thought reading API docs was distracting, how about debugging the API calls your AI helper hallucinated? 😆

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("neco🐾suke") wrote:

(with pannier/without pannier)
#commission #VGenComm #motorcycle

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
jk ("josef") wrote:

what a cover

the front cover of the 1984 book "Artificial Intelligence in BASIC" by Mike James. It depicts a three dimensional egg whose surface appears to be made of curved circuit board, with visible copper traces and green solder-mask. From approximately the egg's center of mass emanates a bright starburst-like flash

Mastodon Feed ("John Scalzi") wrote:

It’s deepest February, with cold in the air and snow on the ground, but here is a stack of new books and ARCs to keep you warm. What here is catching your eye?

The Serpent Called Mercy, Roanne Lau; Club Contango, Elaine Boey;Warriorborn, Jim Butcher; A Dagger of Lightning, Meredith R. Lyons; Where the Axe is Buried, Ray Nayler; One Message Remains, Premee Mohamed; Obviously I Love You But, Patrick O'Leary; But Not Too Bold, Hache Pueyo; Thirsty Ground, Kimber St. Lawrence; If Wishes Were Retail, Auston Habershaw; Alternative Liberties, Bob Brown, ed.; Jade City, Fonda Lee

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Another Angry Woman") wrote:

tricky dick

Had to ban the phrase “tricky dick” from my classroom during watergate lesson because saying the word dick in front of 30 fifteen year olds is like lighting a bomb and throwing it through the doorway but now they’re just calling him Richard the Treacherous like they’re all medieval peasants. gonna lose it

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Ryan Cordell") wrote:

I heard the NEA is only considering proposals related to 1776 & the USA’s 250th birthday & I was feeling intensely patriotic, so I’m printing these really big posters inspired *directly* by the Founding Fathers

The cut was carved from the masthead of a 19th century newspaper—here’s the Illustrator file—if you have access to a laser you can carve this baby in linoleum & print with it all you like—make sure to reverse it (prints are mirrored)

Two large posters on off white paper with blue ink reading:  NO TYRANTS! & NO KINGS!   In large wood type font. There is a large image cut of a wooden printing press with a banner of text above it reading “THE TYRANTS FOE THE PEOPLES FRIEND”
A printing press bed with wood type inked with blue ink reading:  NO TYRANTS! & NO KINGS!   In large wood type font. There is a large image cut of a wooden printing press with a banner of text above it reading “THE TYRANTS FOE THE PEOPLES FRIEND”

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

Of course, Microchip's perspective is that the IDE is the thing, that's one of the major things they provide to customers. But speaking as somebody who inherited a Microchip product, I don't even use the IDE except to manage the files in the project. I do everything else outside of it. Even the build. It's just not that important. Well, at least until I can't get the docs anymore. :(

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

I also disagree with the idea that somehow not being in the IDE is counterproductive. The IDE isn't the thing. All my tools, on and off the computer, and all my other software is the thing. The IDE is just the place I manage some of the software processes. I don't lose productivity just because I look away from the IDE. What a narrow view of things. Booo!

Mastodon Feed ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:

I wonder how long before reading the docs just won't be an option anymore. Like the only thing we'll get is a chatbot trained on "vectorized" specifications or requirements. No docs will be written. It will be cheaper, you see.

I disagree with the idea that going to read the docs is "distracting". That's just part of the job, to understand what I'm dealing with.