Mastodon Feed: Posts

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

from r/fednews

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Nanoraptor") wrote:

24-pin TIP 'worse-than-lego' package.

A promo picture of a 24-pin chip package, with three rows of eight pins, two on the bottom splayed out like legs and one row across the top spine of the chip. It has a black housing labeled H. SPARSA 508MY CANADA with a manufacturer's logo, some kind of dragon or something.

Mastodon Feed

jwz wrote:

How do I get macOS 14.7.2 to stop spamming me with this ad every fucking day?

Mastodon Feed ("pzmyers 🦑") wrote:

Two, count 'em, two.

Almafuerte peripampasica, female. A, prosoma and opisthosoma (dorsal view). B, opisthosoma (ventral view, arrow pointing to the duplicated epigyne). Note the difference in size and the slightly asymmetry. C, normal epigyne (arrow pointing to larva). D, duplicated epigyne. Specimen locality: Argentina: Córdoba: Parque Nacional Quebrada del Condorito, “sitio 2”, -31.63481, -64.71087, alt. 1846m, M. Izquierdo, D. Abregú, C. Mattoni, col. Sep. 16, 2019, under stones. LABRE-Ar 498, voucher MAI-4754.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Gavin Shoebridge") wrote:

Mildly amusing: this Aussie dude got fed up with people parking in his driveway so he installed a motion-activated sprinkler.


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
fabianocerqueira ("Fabiano Cerqueira 🖖") wrote:

Meg Foster as Evil-Lyn in Masters of the Universe (1987)

#MegFoster #EvilLyn #MastersOfTheUniverse

Meg Foster as Evil-Lyn in Masters of the Universe (1987)

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Paul Cantrell") wrote:

@Daojoan @DSCH

Thank you. Yes.

To these excellent thoughts, I’d add: “What if ‘scaling’ doesn’t mean growth, but sustainability? Scaling up in time instead of space?”

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
sundogplanets ("Prof. Sam Lawler") wrote:

I almost forgot! Happy Billionaires-Dropping-Shit-On-Canada-From-Orbit Day!!

1 year ago today, a SpaceX Crew Dragon cargo trunk, ejected by the the Axiom 3 private astronaut mission, made an uncontrolled reentry and sprayed potentially lethal debris across Saskatchewan farmland.

SpaceX has dropped a bunch of other shit from orbit on a bunch of other places since then, so I guess this'll be a recurring "celebration"

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
jasonkoebler ("Jason Koebler") wrote:

Bluesky moderators deleted the AI protest video of Trump sucking Musk's toes broadcast inside HUD office, called it 'non-consensual explicit material'

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
Viss wrote:

when the bsky exodus happens, please remember these things:
- dont be the fucking mastodon hoa. everyone hates those people. nobody cares if you think someone should be using a platform "your way". it drives people away. fucking stop it.

- dont shame them for going to bsky. do not mock them, do not give them grief. they made a mistake, and if they come back here, dont shit on them for it.

- make them feel better by coming here, not worse.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
Viss wrote:

- i cannot overemphasize this: dont be the motherfucking mastodon hoa. the entire reason bsky has been as successful as it was, is because too many people here told people "how to behave" on their first day, or shamed them because "they werent doing it right"

if you want mastodon to thrive, you have to make it "worth it to come here". nobody likes being shamed by rando strangers.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: wrote:

after Proton’s latest PR push to paint their CEO as absolutely not a fascist failed to convince much of anyone (feat. a medium article I’m not gonna read cause it’s a waste of my time getting spread around by brand new accounts who mostly only seem to post about how much they like Proton), they decided to quietly bow out of mastodon and switch to the much more private and secure platform of… fucking Reddit of all things, where Proton can moderate critical comments out of existence (unfun fact: in spite of what most redditors believe, there’s no rule against companies moderating their own subs — it’s an etiquete violation, meaning nobody gives a fuck) and accounts that only post in defense of Proton won’t stick out like a sore thumb

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("stux⚡") wrote:

Mom: “No videogames, go play outside”
Me: “Ok”


Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("cws :verified:") wrote:

@prami Huzzah! How fun.

The finger command against The result shows an ascii art penguin with a message that says who I am and that you have just fingered me.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

if this us real then our nation has lost an important journalistic resource

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Brian Jopek") wrote:

Holy fuckerballs. 😳

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Andres Jalinton") wrote:


A tweet from @JeffBezos: I shared this note with the Washington Post team this morning: I’m writing to let you know about a change coming to our opinion pages. We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets. We’ll cover other topics too of course, but viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others. There was a time when a newspaper, especially one that was a local monopoly, might have seen it as a service to bring to the reader’s doorstep every morning a broad-based opinion section that sought to cover all views. Today, the internet does that job. I am of America and for America, and proud to be so. Our country did not get here by being typical. And a big part of America’s success has been freedom in the economic realm and everywhere else. Freedom is ethical — it minimizes coercion — and practical — it drives creativity, invention, and prosperity. | offered David Shipley, whom | greatly admire, the opportunity to lead this new chapter. | suggested to him that if the answer wasn’t “hell yes,” then it had to be “no.” After careful consideration, David decided to step away. This is a significant shift, it won’t be easy, and it will require 100% commitment — | respect his decision. We’ll be searching for a new Opinion Editor to own this new direction.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("egregious philbin") wrote:

If you want to know how it's going in Portland, Oregon: we have a minor feud between two competing naked bike ride groups.

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

from reddit

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Zachary") wrote:

Thanks @adam for adding Finger support for !

finger shell command showing the word "alpine" in 3D-ASCII

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("pzmyers 🦑"): ("Martin Rundkvist") wrote:

The #Pokémon generation, like many before theirs, largely doesn't understand that biological #evolution is not directional. Evolution is not a tale of progress. It's just differential procreative success in the face of changing environments and random genetic drift. It's not headed anywhere. It's as purposeless as the solar system.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("D. Olifant") wrote:

"Don't use DMs on Mastodon. They aren't E2EE."

Fun fact: They aren't on Twitter. Or Facebook. Or Bluesky. Or any other place unless you use Signal or something.

Not sure why the Mastodons gets to be special here.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
axios ("Axios") wrote:

NEW: The Washington Post's Opinion Section editor David Shipley resigned after owner Jeff Bezos mandated the section only cover two topics, personal liberties and free markets.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Steve Herman") wrote:

RFE/RL reports it has obtained a copy of the US-Ukraine mineral deal but it "does not address key questions and leaves most details to be provided by a future agreement."

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

phew... finding the problem w my certbot update scripts was not so painful. there were some artifacts left in pre- & post-update scripts from when it was initially installed... with apache2. but now Storyteller has completely replaced apache2 at

so what? well, amongst other things it kept trying to start both apache2 *and* storyteller... and which one captured the ports first had became kind of a random event 🎲 🎲

to err is human, to really screw up you need a computer

Mastodon Feed ("Watts Martin") wrote:

I have to admit, I like Obsidian's text editor presentation a lot, and I'm impressed at how well it plays with macOS services for an Electron app. Ulysses still beats it for long-form fiction for me so far.

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"):
paddington wrote:

Blonde woman two panel Meme about Database acronym CRUD - Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete vs FUCK - Find, Update, Create, Kill

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

more from MarketWatch: "🔎 Centene: The same patterns and risks hold for the Medicaid-heavy health insurer. Hospital stocks are exposed as well. A majority of inpatient days are paid for by Medicaid or Medicare, according to an industry group"

Mastodon Feed ("Jeff Sonstein") wrote:

MarketWatch Newsletter: "🔎 Brookdale Senior Living: Watch this and other nursing-home operators closely as a draft GOP budget outline includes big cuts to Medicaid, which pays for many older people's stays after they have exhausted other financial resources. The stock hits its lowest since 2023 a couple of weeks ago but has since rebounded."

I guess we should all put aside some retirement money for our assisted suicides

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Brian Bilston") wrote:

Here’s a poem called ‘From the Encyclopedia of Alternative Facts’.

From The Encyclopedia of Alternative Facts Frankenstein was the monster’s name.   There’s no such thing as climate change.   A solero is a type of hat.   The planet is not round but flat.      Six is the legal drinking age.   Women get paid an equal wage.   Elvis once sang in Take That.   The planet is not round but flat.      Achilles had a dodgy knee.   Terror comes from refugees.   Insomnia affects most cats.   The planet is not round but flat.      The president’s above the law. Russia did not start the war. It’s impossible to change a fact.   The planet is not round but flat.   Brian Bilston