davidgerard@circumstances.run ("David Gerard") wrote:
Note to hachyderm.io users, who can't see this on their server (which I'm mentioning because another one just asked me about it):
the hachyderm admins blocked me personally and i still have no idea why
coincidentally Nivenly, the company running hachyderm, got into an AI grift and I loudly called it an AI grift. This suggests the reasons are simple and commercial.
they have apparently denied that their AI grift was the reason but haven't said what the reason was
and they haven't contacted me at all and certainly nobody is paying me enough to bother to contact these weirdos
it's a mastodon feature: forum admins with poster's madness
so basically find a non-shitty server or spin up an akkoma yourself
feel free to copy and forward this as appropriate
edit: there was apparently a bug raised, and i'm definitely not wasting my time attempting communication with these circumlocuitious scammy sounding weirdos. Perhaps you will wish to. https://github.com/hachyderm/community/issues/579