Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("TayFoNay🍿") wrote:

I'm seeing articles calling the CEOs of various tech companies "cowards." And I agree wholeheartedly. However, this isn't limited to these broligarchs. I learned the hard way most people with any semblance of power or influence are cowards if speaking out or going against the grain threaten their status. This happened when Chris McNaughton sued UHC - maybe you've seen his @ProPublica story passed around recently with the Luigi incident. If not, linked below.

The reality is several "big name" physicians were approached to join the fight, whether it was on social media or as expert witnesses and very very few stepped up. The ones who did were like oh fuck yeah, let me at 'em. But the ones Chris thought would be there, who even talked a big game about the insurance industry being corrupt at the time, were silent. Because speaking out was risky. The universities who employ them have policies about such things, and the policies are basically shut the fuck up. It was incredibly disheartening.

So I guess I learned then, don't look toward those in power to be the ones with courage in this country.