Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed ("John Scalzi") wrote:

It’s deepest February, with cold in the air and snow on the ground, but here is a stack of new books and ARCs to keep you warm. What here is catching your eye?

The Serpent Called Mercy, Roanne Lau; Club Contango, Elaine Boey;Warriorborn, Jim Butcher; A Dagger of Lightning, Meredith R. Lyons; Where the Axe is Buried, Ray Nayler; One Message Remains, Premee Mohamed; Obviously I Love You But, Patrick O'Leary; But Not Too Bold, Hache Pueyo; Thirsty Ground, Kimber St. Lawrence; If Wishes Were Retail, Auston Habershaw; Alternative Liberties, Bob Brown, ed.; Jade City, Fonda Lee