Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by jwz: wrote:

So swearing at google disables the AI features and gives you regular old search results instead?
I wonder where I've seen that before...

The zeppelin turns out to be a maryceleste, crewed by capricious iffrits whose expert systems were trained by angry, resentful trade unionists in ransom for their pensions. The amount of abuse required to keep the ship on course and its commissary and sanitary systems in good working order is heroic. [...] Bonnie snorts, then gets back control. “Aw, sorry, darlin’. I’m hopped up on hateballs. It’s the only way I can get enough fucking spleen to make this buggery bollocky scum-sucking ship go where I tell it.”

  • Rapture of the Nerds

Dear @pluralistic and @cstross I would once again kindly ask you to improve the containment of your fictional works. They keep leaking into my reality.