Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Erin Reed") wrote:

Major news! A court in Montana has just declared SB458, a bill that "defines sex" in a way that ends the legal recognition of transgender people in Montana, as facially unconstitutional. This is the first time a bill defining sex has been ruled on! Huge win for trans people in MT!

Leslie Halligan, District Court Judge Fourth Judicial District Missoula County Courthouse 200 West Broadway Missoula, Montana 59802 (406) 258-4771 MONTANA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, MISSOULA COUNTY SUSAN EDWARDS; MONTANA TWO SPIRIT SOCIETY; KAEL FRY; ANNA TELLEZ; EDEN ATWOOD; SHANNON ALOIA, Plaintiffs, v. THE STATE OF MONTANA; GREG GIANFORTE, in his official capacity as GOVERNOR OF MONTANA, AUSTIN KNUDSEN, in his official capacity as ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MONTANA, Defendants. Dept. No. 1 Cause No. DV-23-1026 ORDER ON CROSS MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT This matter comes before the Court on opposing motions for summary judgment. Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment on Counts I, II, & III (“Motion”) seeks to declare Senate Bill 458 as facially unconstitutional. Defendants’ (collectively, the “State”) Motion for Summary Judgment seeks to dismiss Plaintiffs’ claims arguing the absence of a case or controversy. The Court has considered both motions, the parties’ supporting and opposing briefs, and the