Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Alex Russell"): ("Jon Udell") wrote:

"I instituted DEI programs at Cloudera because I'm a rapacious capitalist who saw it as a competitive advantage to do so. I'd do it again! And now I think it'd be an even bigger competitive advantage, because so many organizations are fleeing the strategy."

First, there's an extensive body of scientific research that demonstrates conclusively that diverse teams outperform homogeneous teams. The intuition on this is pretty simple: A group of people with the same education and background is going to think in pretty much the same way. If you're looking for outside-the-box thinking, the simplest way to get it is to go outside the box. A team with lots of different backgrounds and experiences will bring different approaches and ideas to problems. You get the benefit of lots more creative thinking. And the intuition is backed up by hard data: Done properly, diversity wins. So, if you want a top-performing team, you want to avoid hiring people who learned all the same things in all the same ways, who have had all the same experiences. They're too likely to agree with one another when you need them to cogitate, disagree and discuss. You need your team to make better decisions.