Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("AN/CRM-114") wrote:

Elevator pitch: five bucks a month buys you a tiny box with a lifetime data SIM, a battery, a serial port, and just enough smarts to set up a SSH tunnel to a remote server with email, irc, nntp, gopher, fedi, and a shell, (And maybe the Web and/or internet radio), all behind firewalls, adblockers, and a ton of countermeasures, wrapped in a code of conduct and aggressively opt-in federation.

I call it “The New Dialup”

(I should build something like this for myself, perhaps on the uConsole. But to have something like this largely available and easy to use, as an alternative to bloated broadband? What if CompuServe but Fediverse? FOL?)