Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Danny Palmer") wrote:

After almost two years in the role, I recently received the unfortunate news that my job as Head of Editorial for [well-known cybersecurity] company is being eliminated because of corporate realignment.

I'm really sad and still in shock tbh. And I also need to find another job now in order to pay to keep a roof over my head, I guess?

Not really sure what the future holds but before I was in the job I'm now no longer have, I was a cybersecurity journalist for many, many years at ZDNet ( a role which was also taken out from under me when the whole senior editorial team was eliminated by new owners... who went onto sell the site at a big loss) so hopefully I'm still remembered from that.

(Google doesn't remember me though, my knowledge panel isn't a thing anymore)

I know I'm rambling now, but yeah - editorial, content, writing, journalism, that's my thing. Hopefully someone out there in the tech/cyber space needs that? Please. 🥺

Additional: something that's already proving tricky is that I'm in the UK, when it feels like the job market in this space is not great at all.