Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Irenes (many)") wrote:

thanks to @Mnewton we found it! it's by 1/2

A page of a comic, black-and-white line art, four panels. "When I'm feeling overwhelmed" (human walking, no background, posture suggests stress) "I try to remember that long ago, one of our ancestors sat huddled" (a pitcher of boiling water pouring into a teacup) "during the K-T extinction event that killed 3/4 of all organisms on the planet" (human sitting at a desk) "66 million years ago." (a view out a window)
Another page. "An asteroid 15 km wide hit the Earth" (diagram of Earth's orbit, and a trajectory hitting it) "It was so huge and travelled so fast" (sphere-ish wavefront of heat penetrating the atmosphere) "that for a brief moment it punched a hole in the atmosphere" (wide view of an explosion hitting the ground and making a hole in the sky) "uniting the heavens and earth" (looking up at the hole, seeing stars)
Next page. "The impact boiled the very air" (lines show airflow going up, and resemble flame) "creating global fire storms and acid rain" (lines show liquid falling and flame below) "and clouds blocked out the sun for years" (layers of grime in the sky) "and through all this, a little creature hid." (a mouse on the ground)