Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
erosdiscordia@onycha.monster ("Mystery Babylon") wrote:
Hey fediverse friends,
Today's the last day for me to try and buy a week at a cheap discount at the guesthouse my cat and I are staying at, before I have to start paying by the night.
I'd love to stay here in safety while I continue applying for a work visa and looking for permanent housing. If you have any cash to spare, would you consider donating it? You'd be helping a trans person build a new safe life outside America.
Any amount of money is welcome, small or not, and boosting would be kind too. :blobcattransheart:
#mutualAidRequest #mutualAid #trans #transgender #transMutualAid #lgbtcrowdfund @mutualaid