Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): wrote:

Welcome to the #TelephoneExchange shed my new beepyboopy friend!

This is a “GPO Modem 2B” - a #dialup #modem… phone line in, RS232 out at a whopping 300bps!

It’s all discrete components (no ICs here!) and beautifully built with all the diodes/resistors mounted on little plastic carriers.

The modulator, demodulator etc are on separate, pull-out cards

It’s a gorgeous chunk of engineering, that I’ll be carefully powering up over the next few weeks!

Thanks for the swap @anachrocomputer

A large, brownish grey box (about 17” wide, 6” tall) with a black rectangular GPO label on one rnd
Lifting the front panel reveals four removable modules that slide into the chassis.  They’re light straw coloured (a yellowish cream) and from left to right are labelled power supply, control unit, modulator and demodulator.  There are various indicators, controls, and test points available
Same view again, but with a hand pulling one of the modules forwards out of the chassis
A close up of a brown PCB adorned with transistors, resistors, diodes etc all mounted in little clear plastic carriers