Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("egregious philbin") wrote:

Okay #HomeLab #SelfHosting crew, riddle me this.

I have a mid tower computer with two PCIe x16 slots and one x1 slot. I wish to connect between four and eight internal 3.5" SATA disks to said machine. What would you recommend?

Despite being large, said computer has only two internal 3.5" bays.

My current setup is an 8-bay USB 3 enclosure, with six disks inside. I want a non-USB solution.

I bought a 4-bay eSATA enclosure and eSATA PCIe x1 card which supports FIS, which is the thing you need to connect multiple devices over one eSATA cable. It doesn't work. Linux sees the PCIe card, the enclosure *seems* to connect to it, but no disks ever appear.

There's some stuff online about "oh just run some script to make it work," but I need something which works without dicking around with shell scripts.

Recommendations for $500 or less whole-ass computers with 6+ disk bays also accepted.

Boosts appreciated.