Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz:
nocontexttrek ("Star Trek Minus Context") wrote:


This is an offical advertisment for "Star Trek: The Helmet." (Title mine, not the actual merch, I'm just a Spaceballs fan) We have a kid, looking filled with joy to be wearing this Star Trek helmet.  Helmet says SPOCK across the forhead, has a clear visor over the eyes, a very prominent chin strap, and a large red light protruding from the top as if to serve as a red alert light house for all those who may be in danger. I want one.  Official text from the ad: OFFICIAL STAR TREK HELMET / SPACE FUN HELMET. Featuring FLASHING LIGHT EMITTER with PULSING SONIC SOUND. Adjustable solar visor. Telescoping antennas. Adjustable snap-on chinstrap. SPOCK