Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"):
glyph ("Glyph") wrote:

Went to report a bug on the Parallels forums and I just gotta say: I am impressed. Take notes, website hosts, this is how you respect your users in a dark political time.

A screenshot of some text, reading: Dear users! Be informed that in order to minimize the amount of your personal information stored in your Forum accounts, we have dismissed some data which was not critically important for your ability to read and post on Parallels forums. The data fields listed below have been deleted from the Forum user interface. Their values in the database have been made blank. The dismissed data includes: information about your gender, date of birth, occupation, home page URL, advanced information about you (anything you've made available in your profile), your contact details such as email (if different from your Parallels account email address), social networking and messaging accounts (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, Google Talk, Facebook, Twitter), The messages you've read and posted on Forums were not affected .