Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by jwz: ("Cat and Girl") wrote:

Might as well tour the tractor factory.

CAT AND GIRL JOIN THE AXIS OF EVIL / Cat and Girl sit in a waiting room. / VOICE: Next! / VOICE: Right down the hall / CAT: I've always wanted to see inside this place! / GIRL: I haven't. CAT: Do you think we'll get OUTFITS? (They walk along a wood paneled corridor down torchlit stairs) / GIRL: I don't want to be here. CAT: We could all wear PURPLE - I look good in purple! / (Arrows direct them to another door) GIRL: Can I really just be DRAGGED into this - because of where I live - who's in charge - is there nothing we can DO? CAT: My gut bacteria don't get a say when I go to Sizzler. (click) / (They are back at the waiting room) / CAT: Same seats!