Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): wrote:

I felt compelled to draw this silly little comic tonight. Hope this is amusing.

#comic #jurassicpark #cake

A hand-drawn comic with six panels. It's the kitchen scene from the movie Jurassic Park. Panel 1: A velociraptor looks through the circular window in the park's commercial kitchen door. 2: The d oor handle is jiggling with a "rattle rattle" sound. 3: The door is open and the velociraptor has entered the kitchen! 4: A pair of kids are huddled, terrified, behind  a stainless steel counter. 5: The velociraptor is knocking cooking implements off of the counter with a crash! 6: The velociraptor is wearing a baker's hat and an oven mitt and has baked a cake!  The raptor and the kids are happy about the cake. The end. Drawn in 2025 by David Gauer aka "Ratfactor"