Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Ryan Cordell") wrote:

I heard the NEA is only considering proposals related to 1776 & the USA’s 250th birthday & I was feeling intensely patriotic, so I’m printing these really big posters inspired *directly* by the Founding Fathers

The cut was carved from the masthead of a 19th century newspaper—here’s the Illustrator file—if you have access to a laser you can carve this baby in linoleum & print with it all you like—make sure to reverse it (prints are mirrored)

Two large posters on off white paper with blue ink reading:  NO TYRANTS! & NO KINGS!   In large wood type font. There is a large image cut of a wooden printing press with a banner of text above it reading “THE TYRANTS FOE THE PEOPLES FRIEND”
A printing press bed with wood type inked with blue ink reading:  NO TYRANTS! & NO KINGS!   In large wood type font. There is a large image cut of a wooden printing press with a banner of text above it reading “THE TYRANTS FOE THE PEOPLES FRIEND”