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Boosted by jwz: ("Clive Thompson") wrote:

The Author's Guild is offering a "human authored" certification for books that used no generative AI in their creation:

i hereby offer up the badges I designed a year and a half ago (gift link):

A black badge, in the shape of a shield, with the words "ALL HUMAN" on it in white. A zig-zag ribbon cuts across the bottom half with "100% AI-FREE" written on it
A large square black warning sign. The background is a distressed, crumbling black-and-white color. White text on top of it reads: "WARNING, CONTAINS AN UNPREDICTABLE AMOUNT OF AI BULLSHIT"
A badge in the shape of a green oval, with two words superimposed in black: "cyborg writer". Between the two words there is a black jagged icon that looks like a voltage pulse