Reblogged by adam@social.lol ("Adam Newbold"):
because I've recently been amused by #emacs rendering rich text documents, here's one from my archives.
in around 2016, I was working on dynamic picture-book rendering for https://wonderbly.com, using a #java 2D based pre-press stack.
I used #emacs as a picture book REPL, leveraging #scala with #sbt and #ensime mode to evaluate page renders interactively with incremental compilation.
Here is a screenshot of an early iteration of mixed point type support for the book 'A kingdom of you'
- emacs split into 3 windows. on the right hand side is a page from a children's book displaying as a medium resolution jpeg. bounding boxes for text layout are outlined in a red overlay on the left side the window is split vertically, the top half has some scala code computing text layout, the lower half has a sbt shell open, connected to the project code using ensime mode. (remote)