Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen") wrote:
I'm working on one of those brush pen drawings I mentioned above, and it reminded me of a card I made back in 2011. So I dug it out of my archive and decided to share it here.
I made this card for my stepson before he took a lengthy trip over the summer. I was trying to be silly and sincere in a way that wouldn't necessarily embarrass anybody too much.
Soundtrack for this blast from the past:
- Black and white drawing showing the exterior of the card as though it was open and laid flat. At the top you can see "Chuckmark 2011" upside down. This would be the back of the card when folded. At the bottom is the front of the card where you see the text "DRAUHG... THE DESTROYER!" in a broken, stony font. You also find a cartoony, goat headed fellow with great big curly horns and cloven hoof legs. In his large right hand he holds a giant battle axe, and in his equally large left hand he grips a scimitar type sword. Across his chest he wears a sash filled with bones. He's wearing furry undies with skull buckle. He looks menacing in a way that you would avoid being on the same side of the street as him. (remote)
- This is the interior of the card, which continues the text from the front. So all together it should be read as, "DRAUHG... THE DESTROYER! ... Says he will miss you while you are gone, but he *will* catch you later!" (remote)