Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Jeff Sonstein"): ("Søren Kjærsgaard") wrote:

This weekend was special: yesterday the baltic countries: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, disconnected from the Russian/Belarus 50Hz power grid, going ‘island mode’, controlling the 50Hz grid frequency themselves.

After more than a day of different stability tests, this afternoon, just before 13:00 CET, a connection to the European grid was established via Poland, so now the the three countries are in 50Hz sync with Europe.

I observed a small, undramatic, ‘burp’ in the frequency at the time of the event, and my wall socket is now in full sync with the measurement in Estonia, provided by #sympower⚡️ 😃👌🏼

#gridtech #powerdistribution #electronicsengineering #testandmeasurement
