Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Adam Newbold"): ("CF~Exile") wrote:

The footnotes from Apple’s Inclusion and Diversity page, as of Feb. 8, 2025.

I’m not looking to inspire any discourse (I know there is a wide range of opinions on Apple, corporate posturing, etc.). I simply just wish to publicly document these specific footnotes I found so that if any changes occur, for better or for worse, they will be noticed.

If nothing changes, I think that’s overall good in this environment. But if these are removed, or altered to remove these facts, it will be telling.

A screenshot from Apple’s website of the Inclusion and Diversity page footnotes. Two footnotes are underlined. One says: “Underrepresented communities (URCs): groups whose representation in tech has been historically low - Female, Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Multiracial, and Indigenous peoples.” The second says: “Although data on this website reflects the gender categories of male and female, Apple deeply respects that gender is not binary. We are taking steps toward reflecting that in our global reporting”.