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Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Lori Emerson") wrote:

📡 at very long last, today is the big day! my beloved book, OTHER NETWORKS: A RADICAL TECHNOLOGY SOURCEBOOK, is officially available for pre-order!

This a speculative index of communications networks, a love letter to experimental art & technology, & a liberatory guide for escaping the corporate present. Many of you know that, for years, I have been compiling and cataloguing a history of communications networks, one full of alternatives to the monolithic, surveilled internet as we now know it. The result is this compendium of possibilities that existed before or outside of the internet and a tribute to their experimental use by artists, covering everything from pirate radio to barbed wire telegraph, from synthesizers that transmitted over the telephone to encoded messages bounced off the surface of the moon.

Because of the hard work and creative genius of Mark Iosifescu, Jesse Pollock, and everyone at Anthology Editions; Robert Beatty who made the breathtaking cover and section designs; and Ella Gold for book design, OTHER NETWORKS is also a feat of beautiful design. And as if that weren't enough, the talented @jomc wrote the Foreword and the legendary @hrheingold wrote the epilogue. So, so many people to thank, including many of YOU, for making this happen!

yellow background. front cover of Other Networks: A Radical Technology Sourcebook. Text is in gold foil, place diagonally across the top left and top right corners. there is a gold foil square with rounded edges. within the square is a green foil plantlike structure with four gold foil lines emerging from it.
yellow background. book spread open with two cut-out quotes in black boxes with straight black lines emerging from each quote on the left side of the open book. on the right is the first page of the introduction.
yellow background. book open to a page on the left with a heading in brown type, "OPTICAL NETWORKS" and a sub-section labeled "Flag Signaling". the image on the right side of the page is from Hannah Weiner's Signal Flag Poems.
yellow background. book spread open with a black and white photograph spanning both pages that shows Bill Bartlett and others experimenting with slow scan t equipment. overlaid on the photograph is a diagram showing how the group set up and conected their slow scan equipment.