Reblogged by cstanhope@social.coop ("Your friendly 'net denizen"):
swetland@chaos.social ("Brian Swetland") wrote:
- T-Rex: Until recently, EVERY FORM OF LIFE ON EARTH -- every form, without exception... T-Rex: ...they all lived and died without hearing a SINGLE chiptune! T-Rex: They didn't know how satisfying it was to hear a classic song reimagined through an early audio processing unit that could support, say, two square waves, a triangle wave, a noise channel typically used for percussion, and a delta modulation channel capable of raw 7-bit pulse-code modulation playback. Dromiceiomimus: And to think, they still somehow considered their lives full and worth living! T-Rex: In contrast, WE'RE the first generation with long-term exposure to chiptunes! Utahraptor: Wait -- we ARE! T-Rex: Do chiptunes somehow change our cognition? There's absolutely no evidence that they do, or COULD, but WHO KNOWS what effects might show up years down the road? We're all the subjects of a generational experiment, done without precedent OR our consent, and with no way to opt out!! Utahraptor: ...Save for not listening to chiptunes, of course. That would opt us out pretty quickly. T-Rex: NEVER! T-Rex: I love the beeps AND the boops (remote)