Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Boosted by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("jonny (good kind)") wrote:

The bastards didn't even seed

Meta "modified the config setting so that the smallest amount of seeding possible could occur"

this showing is readily met here. plaintiffs submit extensive evidence that - meta, with the involvement of in-house counsel, decided to obtain copyrighted works without permission from online databases of copyrighted works that "we know to be pirated, such as LibGen" and despite knowing that the strategy was of tenuous legality - Meta torrentef at least tens of millions of copyrighted works, which also required "seeding the files, i.e. sharing the content outside" (Meta modified the config setting so that the smaller amount of seeding possible could occur) while trying to conceal its actions - meta had attorney-client communications furthering this unlawful activity