Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Your friendly 'net denizen"): ("Mystery Babylon") wrote:

I'm sorry to stick my neck out like this again, but being sick the last couple days and today has made me unable to do much work, so I'm short on money to pay for the place I'm staying. I also need to get a space heater and a hat to deal with the cold, and refill 3 of my prescriptions for a month.

As much as I can with mildly feverish brain fog, I've switched my budget around and I'm coming up short $200. Can anybody help me?

I strongly hope this is the last time I have to ask. I'm trying to balance taking care of my health with working hard. Anything to help keep that terrible old mental stress from coming back would be much appreciated, whether it's a few dollars to spare or a boost and good vibes.

Thank you, friends. I'm really trying.

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