Mastodon Feed: Post

Mastodon Feed

Reblogged by ("Adam Newbold"): ("Chandler Carruth") wrote:

The level of rank, direct, and brutal hatred being directed at the trans community by the current US administration is sickening. If you're not actively following it, you may not realize how bad it is. You *need* to educate yourself so you can take action.

Literally, cis-ally actions are one of the only things left saving trans lives right now in the US. And it is very much going to be about saving lives.

This isn't a "culture war" or "identity" politics.

The white house is defining medical procedures with overwhelming support by major medical orgs around the world as *mutilation*. They are trying to classify parents who care for trans kids by moving to states where doing so is legal as *kidnapping*.

This admin is forcing parents of trans kids to choose: do I force my child to suffer, doubling their risk of suicide? or do I risk kidnapping charges by moving to where they can get the medical care they need, with a regret rate lower than LASIK.

They are at least removing all support for adult trans people, from medical support to other forms, and working hard to criminalize their existence.

Trans people have over 7x the risk of suicide as the wider population, and that compounds in many intersectional ways with other risk factors. Immediate access to gender-affirming care reduced suicidality by **50%**. That is an *incredibly* effective treatment compared to other widely accepted medical options.

When we deny trans people, especially children, access to gender affirming care that is pervasively endorsed by all major medical and psychiatric groups, we are killing them. The math is simple and devastating.

We even have peer-reviewed research directly showing that enacting anti-transgender laws has a significant and causal impact on suicide risk among transgender and nonbinary youth.

So you, cis-person reading this, have a choice.

Oppose and shut down all of these anti-transgender legal steps, every one of them a hateful act of systemic violence.

Or let them kill more children.

It is literally life or death for the trans community.